Argentina Capital – Buenos Aires
Facts About Argentina Population: 42,192,494 Total Area: 1,068,302 sq miles - 8 th largest Currency: Argentine peso (ARS)
Language in Argentina Spanish is the official language of Argentina, however many people speak some English. Argentine Spanish also contains many distinct phrases and terms not used in other Spanish-speaking countries. German, French, and Italian are also widely spoken, as are several indigenous languages.
Religion in Argentina Historically, the Catholic religion played a very important part in politics and law. Before changes were made to the Constitution in 1994, the two top leaders of Argentina had to be Roman Catholic. Although the Constitution states that the federal government is Roman Catholic, it also guarantees freedom of religion for all. Today, although officially 90% of Argentinians are Roman Catholic, fewer than 20% attend church regularly. Most go for weddings, funerals and major feast days. Argentina has many Jews and Muslims, as well as members of Russian, Greek and Syrian Orthodox churches and Protestant denominations. Buenos Aires has the second largest Jewish population (over 300,000) in the Americas after New York.
Government in Argentina Argentina is composed of 23 provinces and one federal district (Buenos Aires). It is governed by the 1853 constitution as revised in 1898 and 1994, and has a federal system of government. The president and vice president are elected by popular vote for four-year terms and can be reelected once. The popularly elected bicameral national congress is composed of 72 senators (three from each province and the federal district), who serve six-year terms, and 257 deputies (based on proportional representation), who serve four-year terms. There is a nine-member supreme court. Each province has its own elected governor and legislature and its own judicial system. President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner
Families in Argentina The responsibility of raising children lies with the mother. Women working outside the home comprise less than thirty percent of the Argentine work force. Men are often occupied with work, even in the evening. Families are smaller than other countries, with on average just two children. A good education is important to Argentines and families sacrifice to make it possible for their children.
Food in Argentina The evening meal is lighter than the lunchtime meal. Dinner is frequently served later in the evening, even after 9:00 p.m.
Fun Facts About Argentina The highest mountain peak in the Americas is Mount Aconcagua in the Andes Mountains, rising more than 6,900 meters. Llamas are good at climbing mountains. – People in the Andes use them to carry things. – They also make warm blankets and ponchos from the llama's wool. – Llama meat is also common in many dishes in the Northern Andean region of the country.
More Fun Facts About Argentina Home to 57,000 residents, Ushuaia, Argentina is the southernmost city in the world. Despite its unique geographical positioning, Ushuaia is not subjected to extreme weather conditions. The Tango originated in Buenos Aires. Argentina is the 3rd biggest producer of beef in the world. Argentine Spanish is referred to as Lumfardo and has larger similitude to Italian than the Mexican Spanish that Americans are accustomed to. The world's first animated films were created and released in Argentina, by a person named Quirino Cristiani in Argentines have the highest rates of movie viewing in the world. Argentines are not Hispanic in spite of speaking Spanish. Most are of Italian, German, Welsh background.
Places to Visit in Argentina argentina-tourist-attractions/ argentina-tourist-attractions/ argentina/ argentina/ regions-places/south-america/argentina_gauchos/ regions-places/south-america/argentina_gauchos/