Employment Opportunities Abroad
Why UAE? Government priority of educating the masses has led to a substantial investment in education. Today, the UAE offers a comprehensive education to all male and female students from kindergarten to university, with education for the country’s citizens being provided free at all levels.
Positions Types & Curriculum Language Teacher Lecturer (Teacher Training Programs) Researcher Administrator American/Canadian International (British, Aust/NZ, Fr, Indian) National
Issues to Consider: Spain vs. UAE SPAINUAE Spouse & kids Others… DependentsOnly legal spouse & kids attested by USSD Your responsibility. FBI fingerprints, min 2 trips to consulate in LA & many trips to govt offices in Madrid Visa AssistanceComplete. All you need is your passport & attested papers. Employer does the rest in UAE. 1-way ticket, medical 2-3K euro/month NO HOUSING! BenefitsAnnual RT, medical, 4-6K $/month, EOC Bonus & housing Catholic, state & summer Vacation TimeMuslim, Christian, state & summer Spain and USATaxesUS only (94K)
Searching… Journal of Higher Education ◦ Ph.D. but some Master’s ESL/EFL jobs Online ◦ Fast & Easy Conferences ◦ TESOL International ◦ TESOL Arabia Best bet for Middle East/North Africa
Schools in the UAE American Universities of Sharjah, Dubai British University in Dubai Middlesex University University of Wollongong Sharjah University Khalifa University 100 Others (filter by Emirate, include both universities + colleges) 100
Typical Hiring Process in UAE Application screening (include photo) Interview (conference call or face-to-face) Personnel Approval ◦ Ministry of Education in Abu Dhabi Appointment
Arrival Met at Airport by Marhaba services Week to a month in a hotel Assistance in processing medical checks, driver’s license and residency visa Furniture Allowance Free Housing or generous stipend 1-2 week Orientation
Things to Consider… Partner/fiancé cannot be given visas, only spouses of opposite sex Attestation of marriage & children’s birth certificates Alcohol allowed with proper license, except Kuwait, KSA (US compounds OK) Married women must have husband’s permission to work and drive (ex KSA)
More things to consider… Gulf nationals of opposite sex should never be touched Do not argue with or insult locals Do not speak out about the royal families Do not criticize Islam or government NEVER Drink and Drive (not even a sip!) NEVER insult the prophet
Other Similar Locations Qatar – Unis and Community Colleges Kuwait Saudi Arabia (KSA) – Medina, Dammam Jordan, Oman & Morocco (less $) Lebanon (safety issues) Turkey (far more European) Brunei