What is expected from you? And what should you expect? 1
80% attendance, at least 80% attendance isn’t asking much. It’s like missing one day a week on a full-time job. 5 absences out of 30 puts you real close to the limit Yes. Arriving Late or Leaving Early costs attendance points. 6 absences + 1 tardy and you’re under 80% 2
80% attendance, at least Doctor’s notes, etc., don’t change a thing. The 80% builds in an allowance for those kinds of life events. But if you’re out, please DO stay in contact and keep up with assignments. If you miss four in a row, you could be dropped from the course without special notice via “Instructor-Initiated Withdrawal”. 3
Be On-time Internet time is the official time. Parking isn’t as close to the door as it was on 14 th Avenue. You have to come up two flights of stairs Or wait for a slow elevator. Late arrival to Statistics class is a larger problem because it requires stop-and-restart of the slide show. That inconveniences the whole class. 4
Stay until the end If you’re working ahead of the class, keep working ahead of the class and maybe you can complete the course before the end of the semester. Statistics class – after slide show is done, you are expected to stay and work on assignments in Hawkes. Math 0997 and Math 1001 have rigid assignment dates so in those cases, early dismissal may be possible if the current assignments are complete. But check with instructor first. 5
This is not an “open lab”. It is restricted to the course that’s meeting in here now. It’s not a take-a-break-whenever setting. Math 0097/0099 long classes have a scheduled time for optional break. Work only the course that you’re here for. No working on History term papers, for example. No working on other online courses, for example. 6
Bring Calculator to each and every class Math 0997 and Math 1001 have some TI-84 content. TI-83/Plus is okay, too. If you try to do those courses without a TI-84 or TI-83/Plus you may regret it. TI-84 is essential for Statistics. Unless you want to use dreadful primitive formulas like we did in the 1970s. If you have one but you forget it one day, you have to come early to get a loaner. In general, I cannot leave class to go to my office to get you one. You will not have an everyday loaner, to be fair. 7
Bring Calculator to each and every class TI-30 XS works well for Math 0097, Math 0099, Math Other TI-30 models are okay for those courses. But single-line display models are not very good. You really need Multiline Display. 8
Exam Integrity is a really really really big deal Keep your eyes on your own computer. This goes for neighbors, too. Exam takers may be required to go to a certain workstation. No sharing calculators during exam. TI-83/84 calculators reset before exam (2 ND MEM 7 1 2). There are forms and procedures for violations. The Dean gets involved. I’ve used the forms and been through the procedures. It’s not pleasant. 9
Homework time between classes is necessary If the only work you do in the course is during the class meeting times, the results won’t be good. Math 0097/0099: you are expected to follow your individual printed Day-by-Day Schedule. Don’t go by the index of assignments in MyMathLab. Ask for an update if you get ahead or fall behind. Other classes have a common schedule followed by everybody. Math 0987 has opportunities to work ahead of the standard pace. 10
Read your MyDC !!!! Check it ≥ 3 times per week I expect you’ll read your MyDC . I’ll send stuff via MyDC . Please send to me via MyDC . Please avoid using D2L/GeorgiaVIEW in my classes. won’t let me reply to those messages. You’ll get better service if you use the MyDC E- mail. Thank you. 11
Student Workroom First floor, southeast corner – Room 129 Computers and tables where you can work Vending machines A new microwave oven 12
Be prepared to step up to the next level You can’t assume that the same attendance and same level of effort as last time will produce good results. Math 0099 problems are harder than Math 0097 problems. Math 1001 is a big step up from Math The videos in this course are really needed. Bring earbuds or view them at home before class. Statistics is a jump up from Math 1001/
Be prepared to step up to the next level Not every problem has an exact corresponding example. You need to get to the point where you can find the right tool and apply it in the right way. Don’t mimic examples in a pattern matching game just to get this one problem right. Instead, understand the steps and the how and why. 14
More stuff you might need or want EARBUDS / HEADPHONES – if you’ll be watching videos here in the lab CLIPBOARD (or something to write on) – if you’ll be taking notes and the desk isn’t in the right place. 15
NO PHONES NO PHONES Your grade will be penalized. A visible phone is a violation, even if it’s powered off. Glancing to check for texts is a violation. Sneaky stuff, pocket tricks, purse tricks, = big penalties. Leaving the room for phone business is a big violation. You have to reserve the class time as a no-phone time. If that’s an issue, then meet & set up independent study. 16
Take good care of our beautiful new building! What has happened here in Cordele is extremely unusual. The community has done some special. Now they’re watching and talking. News travels. Anecdotes are shared. Let’s do what we can to reward their confidence in us. 17
It’s all comes down to Being a Serious Student So let’s work together and make this college thing turn out as good as possible. 18