Converting campaigners to donors Tony Fawcett, Web Manager Campaign to Protect Rural England
CPRE - what we do Campaign for a beautiful and living countryside, protecting green spaces for everyone to enjoy, while enhancing towns to make them better places to live
Countryside loss Threat of changes to planning rules would make it easier to build more housing in the countryside Local democracy weakened
Previous campaigns… Occasional s, with a fundraising ask, limited success, at best 20 donations Using separate and campaigning software Could we do better by integrating online campaigning with fundraising?
Editable MP letter Data capture, opt-ins to mailings
E-newsletter Mailing list, 17,085 Previously, used separate e-newsletter software Trial Engaging Networks e-newsletter software Trial Engaging Networks Net Donor software
Link from e-newsletter to campaign action Contact details pre-filled - quicker to complete action
Thank you page, donate option Contact details captured from campaign page, quicker to donate
Initial results Results sent to 17,085 Open rate 35% (sector average 20%) Letters sent to MPs 1,904 (11.14%) 98 donations (0.57%) Donations total £1,832 Average £ % taking action donated
Reminder Segmented the list: - thank you to those who did the action - reminder to those who didn’t
Changes to donate Added donation thermometer to thank you / donate page
Second results s sent 15,147 Letters sent to MPs 829 (5.47%) 86 donations (0.56%) Donations £1,468 Average £17.06 Campaigner to donor conversion: 10.37% taking action donated
Both e-newsletter results Tracking urls allows us to analyse different sources and what works s sent 17,085 Letters sent to MPs 2,733 (15.99%) 184 donations (1.07%), average £17.93 Campaigner to donor conversion 6.73% Donations £3,300
More results Promoted on website, and Facebook Total letters sent to MPs 3,273 Campaigner to donor conversion 7.24% 237 donations, average £18.30 Total donations £4,338
Donations overall result Online donations 1.07% of mailing list Sector average 0.07%
Surprises One supporter said the prompted them to restart their monthly giving A cheque for £1,000
What we learnt Use reminder s to increase results Segment lists to send different messages depending on supporter history We got an extra 5.47% campaign actions Plus, 0.56% extra donations
What we learnt… Experiment, test out new ideas, donation thermometer, and different messages Donation thermometer seemed to persuade more people to donate
What we learnt… Campaigners make good donors Integrating a campaign with a donation, relates a cause with an donation ask Using pre-populated contact details from s to action to donor page, cuts barriers, and improves results