CMSG13_12_20071 Welcome… … to the Human Network Metadata & Search For User Generated Video December 13, 2007 Drew Major Cisco Fellow
CMSG13_12_20072 Explosion of User Generated Content Envision a world where almost all user generated content is uploaded for archival and publishing –All raw footage shot & pictures taken –Will dwarf all text Publishing driven from the net –On the fly transcoding, mixing, etc. Minimal required metadata –Simple description Strongly encourage additional metadata –Very easy and intuitive to add –Activity, participants, etc.
CMSG13_12_20073 Privacy Issues Associated With Search Users may wish to limit exposure of video’s existence –Richer metadata exposes more Today can create rich access control per publishing site –Within site search unfettered –Limits visibility to Internet-based search Can & should video search be enhanced to enforce access rights?
CMSG13_12_20074 Identity For Search? Perhaps video provides opportunity –Universal “soft” identification of user Implies universal directory Enforced by search engines –Add visibility to access restricted content Optional extension to existing search –If identification available then access protected exposed