Student Research Interest HER2 Receptor Signaling in Breast Cancer Cells Marc Y. Fink Biomedical Sciences LIU-Post
HER2 and Breast Cancer Amplification or chromosomal region 17q12 RTK of the EGFR-family HER2 is overexpressed and induces a state in which proliferation and survival are increased Several drugs are approved for molecularly tailored treatment (trastuzumab and lapatinib) They often induce resistance after 1-2 years of treatment
HER2 Signaling HER2 P P PI3K AKT Grb2 Shc SOS Ras TSC2 TSC1 Raf MEK 1/2 ERK 1/2 RSK mTORC 1 p70S6k S6 Rheb * * * P P IGF1R P P FGFR What are the intracellular targets that may be useful for targeting HER2-breast cancers? How does the network reorganize after HER2 inhibition?