Getting FIT with Toastmasters (and Club Membership) Ralph Wallace International Director
The Goals of the Toastmasters Club Distinguished Club or Better Charter Strength Dynamic Meetings Members Reaching Educational Goals
Why Do Toastmasters Leave 1% Die 3% Move Away 9% Move on to other product because of someone’s recommendation 9% Find a cheaper product elsewhere 10% Are chronically dissatisfied 68% Move on because the people they deal with are indifferent to their needs
The Cycle of Toastmasters
Key # 1 Great Club Meetings
Agenda Room set before meeting Assignments are ahead of time Prepared Manual Speeches Encouraging evaluations Strong member turnout Guests are warmly greeted Great member energy Everyone Speaks
Use Successful Club Series Moments of Truth Finding New Members for your Club Evaluate to Motivate Closing the Sale Creating the Best Club Climate Meeting Roles and Responsibilities Mentoring Keeping the Commitment Going Beyond Our Club How to be a Distinguished Club The Toastmasters Education Program
To Improve Club Meetings Club Coach Commit members to turn club around Utilize members from other clubs
Many Members Enjoy SEX Speaker-Evaluation Exchange Members Hear New Speakers, New Ideas Different Evaluators give different perspectives Will bring additional people to your meeting
Commit to the Disney Effect Put together great schedules Induct new members with class Assign mentors Pin your new members Use name tags Consider member notebook Award Education Achievements The Magic is in the details!!
Key # 2 Members Bring Guests
The Cycle of Toastmasters
Get members to bring guests President and VP Membership remind the membership to bring guests Remember the energizing meetings Club Membership campaign –Prizes
Toastmasters Membership Building Contests Individual Recognition Distinguished Club Program Smedley Award (Aug/Sept) Talk Up Toastmasters (Feb/Mar) Beat the Clock (May/June)
Market to Companies Identify nearby offices of companies and organizations Develop a marketing package Speak to CEO or other executives Sell Toastmasters as an avenue to improve their company
Key #3 The Guest Becomes a Member
The Cycle of Toastmasters
After They Come to Your Club Everybody greets the visitor Give them “Stuff” Visitor Book or Card Tell them they will they give their thoughts after the meeting Ask them to join!!!!!!!! Follow up –Phone/Letter/
When they decide to join Complete the application and mail today Arrange conversation with VP Education Assign mentor Induct the new member Give them a manual immediately Follow up with telephone call
Use Toastmasters Materials Brochures Visitor Cards/Application New Member Kit New Member Pins Ribbons Show Catalog Be Professional
Your New Members Are Your New Leaders Sgt. At Arms Secretary Treasurer VP Membership VP Public Relations VP Education President Energy
Avoid the Downward Spiral
Move Toward the Upward Spiral
Getting FIT with Toastmasters (and Club Membership) Ralph Wallace International Director