V.4 AEROSOL LIDAR MEASUREMENTS Vincenzo Rizi CETEMPS Dipartimento di Fisica Università Degli Studi dellAquila Italy V.3 AEROSOL LIDAR THEORY
Some exercises with LIdar SIgnal SImulator N2N2 air
OUTCOMES V.4 Upon the lecturer ability you will be able to: identify the best type of LIDARs for specific aerosol application analyze LIDAR data to obtain aerosol characteristics OUTCOMES V.3 Upon the lecturer ability you will be able to: understand how LIDAR techniques are used to characterize atmospheric aerosols perform tradeoffs among the engineering parameters of a LIDAR system to achieve a given measurement capability evaluate the performance of LIDAR systems
aerosol particle HH O H2OH2O N N N2N2 O O O2O2 O O O2O2 N N N2N2 N N N2N2