PA 574: Health Systems Organization Session 5 – May 1, 2013
At the nexus of levels of prevention Does secondary Overlaps with primary and tertiary Natural point for entering individual level care system Most “upstream” entry point for individual Classic public/population health interventions have no individual “entry” point Potential to leverage and connect the levels of prevention and care within and across a system
About Primary Care Functions: Not specific treatments Not specialty of providers Leading to orientation of systems PC Functions (similar to PCPCH core attributes) Usual Source of Care First contact for new health conditions Comprehensive care for the majority of health problems Long-term person focused care Care coordination across providers
Really about coordination(?) Across individual conditions/states/needs Across time Across services Across providers Across systems Really about basic organization/system functions and characteristics (as opposed to “health care”)?
Many programs with similar core function/coordination focus: Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) – coordinated care program/home for elderly Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) - coordinated care program/home for persons with severe and persistent mental illness Chronic Care (CC) model - coordinated care program/home for persons with single/multiple chronic physical health conditions
What is the limit of the scope of the PCPCH? How does scope affect “fit” for average or specific person? Relevance to individual Ability to perform on cost and population health Where should “home” be? Case of behavioral/physical health care integration How do we get PCPCHs to work with others and vice versa? What do we need to do to make transformation successful?
Implementation of the PCPCH model – including PCPCH Program elements; the number and distribution of PCPCH clinics and clients served; and, barriers and benefits of the Program. Fidelity to the PCPCH Model – including the number and tiered distribution of recognized PCPCH clinics, and consistency of PCPCH-designated clinic characteristics with the normative model. Clinical Quality - including the selection of specific indicators from among those established by OHPR, and PCPCH clinics’ assessment and reporting of performance and clinical quality improvement. Cost & Efficiency of Care - including baseline rates and trends in utilization patterns and costs which can be derived from administrative claims data. Patient Experience of Care - including assessment of care satisfaction and experiences corresponding to PCPCH model core attributes. Provider & Staff Experience - including perceptions of coordination, integration, and identification of key factors which influence PCPCH implementation.