HOMEWORK Read modern translation and original text of Act IV Scene II Complete 1 st body paragraph Due Thursday, June 11 upon arrival to class. Writing will count as a quiz grade Fill in the Character/Reaction worksheet from Act IV Scene 1
CHARACTERS WAKE UP CharacterReaction Titania Upon awaking Titania calls out to Oberon. She is confused thinking she fell in love with an ass. She sees Bottom, wonders why she was lying next to him and “loathes: him now. Bottom Lysander Confesses to Oberon and Egeus that he and Hermia planned to flee Athens. Hermia Demetrius Stated that Helena told him that Lysander and Hermia were leaving and he followed them because he was angry. But by some unexplained power he no longer loves Hermia, but he is in love with Helena. Hermia
F-BLOCK EVEN MORE NOTES IV.i Line 44 Theme C – love v infatuation “O, how I love thee! How I dote on thee.” Titania is under a spell and doesn’t really love bottom IV.i Line 77 Theme C – love v infatuation “How came these things to pass? Mine eyes do loathe his visage now.” Now she is awake and wonders why she loves him.
G-BLOCK EVEN MORE NOTES Iv.i. Line p 142 Theme C – love v infatuation “Was I betrothed ere I saw Hermia;/ But like in sickness did I loathe this food. Demetrius is realizing that he did not love Hermia, but that he was infatuated with her. IV.i Line 44 p 132 Theme C – love v infatuation “O, how I love thee! How I dote on thee.” Titania is under a spell and doesn’t really love bottom IV.i Line 77 p134 Theme C – love v infatuation “How came these things to pass? Mine eyes do loathe his visage now.” Now she is awake and wonders why she loves him.