Mid Day Meals AWP&B Union Territory Administration of Dadra and Nagar Haveli
District Panchayat District Panchayat DEPARTMENT OF PRIMARY EDUCATION ( MID – DAY - MEALS ) Dadra and Nagar Haveli
BASIC DATA ABOUT DADRA AND NAGAR HAVELI The Dadra and Nagar Haveli was liberated on 2nd August from Portugalis and merged with the Indian Union on the 11th August D.N.H. is single District. Total Village Panchayat - 11 Municipal Council - 01 Total villages - 72 Habitation Government Primary Schools; 1. Primary (Std.I to V) Upper Primary (Std VI to VII ) - 79 Private aided Primary schools ; - 12 Private unaided schools - 09 Medium wise number of Schools; 1. Gujarati Marathi English Hindi - 01 Total……. 270
L I T E R A C Y S T A T U S Overall Literacy rate 57.63% Male Literacy rate 71.18% Female Literacy rate 40.23% Literacy rate of SCs 78.25% Literacy rate of STs 41.24%
HEALTH PROFILE DNH NATIONAL Birth Rate per Death Rate per Infant Mortality Rate per (SRS 2008) 57 Maternal Mortality Rate per lakh
Statement showing the enrollment of the Students for the year to YearBoysGirlsTotal
ELEMENTARY EDUCATION IMPLEMENTING AGENCY The Elementary Education from Std. I to VII transferred to District Panchayat since July-1996 with teaching staff and the ministerial staff on diverted capacity. MDM Scheme is being implemented by the District Panchayat. Due to the involvement of elected members of Panchayats in both SSA and MDM implementation, there has been constant and continuous improvement in term of quantity and quality of schools and Education thereof.
ADMINISTRATIVE STRUCTURE C.E.O (DP)/SPD-01 Education Officer-01 Asstt. Education Officers-05 Total Head Master -24 Total number of teachers including Daily Wages Elementary Education- 821 (Regular) SSA- 366 (D/ Wages) Total Students Teacher student ratio - 1:36
PREPARATION OF HOT COOKED MID DAY MEALS The hot cooked meals are prepared at School Premises by engaging Cooks & Helpers. The cooks are paid Half day Rs and Rs for skilled and unskilled labour respectively under minimum wages Act,1948. All Schools have been provided with minimum two gas cylinders with gas chullahs and necessary kitchen devices. The students are provided cooked meals in the plates & glasses for drinking water issued by the department.
Preparation Meals containing 480 calories and 13 gram of proteins from Std. I-V 100 gram Rice per day per child 020 gram Dal (Tur / Mung) per day per Child Green Vegetables 50 gram every day. Oil & fat 5 grams Salt and Other condiments as per need. Meals containing 746 Calories and 19.5 gram Proteins every day 150 gram Rice per day per child 030 gram Dal (Tur / Mung) per day per Child Green Vegetables 75 gram every day. Oil & fat 7.5 grams Salt and Other condiments as per need. Supplementary food: Two bananas per day per student, thrice in a week are being provided.
Sr. No. Day Menu 1 MondayDal-Rice, Green Vegetable, Banana 2 TuesdayKhichadi-Green Vegetable 3 WednesdayDal-Rice, Green Vegetable, Two Bananna 4 ThursdayKhichadi, Green Vegetable 5 FridayDal-Rice, Green Vegetable, Two Banana 6 SaturdayKhichadi-Green Vegetable Mid Day Meals Scheme (Std.I & VII) Weekly Menu
Sanction by PAB, New Delhi for the Year Sr. No. School Number of Students No. of working days Quantity in MTs 1Primary Upper Primary TOTAL
ALLOCATION OF FUND AND EXPENDITURE (FROM U.T. BUDGET) MID DAY MEALS Sr. No YearAllocation (Rs. In lakhs) Expenditure (Rs. In lakhs)
Financial Allocation Expenditure of Central Assistance Funds ( Rs. In Lakhs ) StdYear of release Amount released Amount utilized Unspent balance I - V VI - VII
Number of Children opted for MDM during first 3 Quarters during Sr. No. SchoolNo. of School Target Students No. of working days 1Primary Upper Primary
Salary paid to Cook/helper under Mid Day Meal Scheme StaffRemarks/basis/norms for appointment and payment of wages 1) Cook230 Cooks are engaged on Daily rated basis for ½ day working at the rate provided under minimum wages Act for skilled labourers. 2) Helper255 Assistant cooks are engaged on daily rated basis for ½ day working at the rate provided under minimum wages Act for un-skilled labourers.
Best practice followed in the UT of Dadra and Nagar Haveli The evaluation study of MDM conducted by IIE, Pune found satisfactory and they stated that the Children’s are happy with meals served and green vegetables provided in MDM. In supplementary food, two Bananas are being Rs.3/- per Student per day thrice in a week to student of Standard I-VII. Green Vegetables are also being Rs.0.75 per child per day for all days of the week.
School covered and students benefited under MDM Year SchoolNo. of School No. of student Target Student benefited Target for year Primary I-V , Upper Primary VI-VII
Requirement of food grains for Sr. No. SchoolNumber of Students No. of working days Quantity in MTs 1Primary Upper Primary TOTAL
Total requirement of Funds ( ) Items Primary Upper Primary Total Cost of Food grains FREE OF COST Transportation Cooking Cost (central ) (central ) (State) (State ) Honorariums to cooks (central ) Kitchen-cum-store (central ) (State) Kitchen Devices 4.10(Central) 1.02(State) Total
Appraisal notes Introduction of banana has improved coverage second quarter onwards Low level of utilization of food grains up to third qtr due to very low utilization in the first quarter Payment of bills of cooking cost for Rs lakhs has been cleared adding to the cooking cost for Coverage of class VIII may not start till month of December Provision for kitchen shed not indicated in appraisal note