الضمائر Nada Shaath This lesson was developed by using funds from QFI (Qatar Foundation International)


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Presentation transcript:

الضمائر Nada Shaath This lesson was developed by using funds from QFI (Qatar Foundation International)

Subject pronouns - ضمائر الفاعل

Subject pronouns (I, you, we, he, she, we, they) take the place of a noun and function as the subject of a sentence.

EnglishStandard Arabic Singular I أنا You أنْتَ أنْتِ He She هُوَ هِي DualYou for two people They for two people أنْتُما َ هُما Plural We You (Masculine) You (Feminine) نحْنُ أنْتُم أنْتُن They (Masculine) They (Feminine) هُم هُن

Usage of Subject Pronouns

She هِي He هُوَ You أنْتِ أنْتَ I أنا Verb تشكريشكرتشْكر Masculine تشكرين Feminine أشْكُر شكَرَ to thank تضربيضربتضرب تضربين أضْرِبضرب to hit يرْسُم ترْسُم ترسمين أرسمرسَمَ to draw تقرأ يقرأ تقْرأ تقرئين أقْرأقرأ to read تُدرِّسيُدرِّستُدرِّس تُدرِّسين أدرِّسدرّس to teach

Object pronouns - ضمائر المفعول به

Object pronouns Object pronouns (me, you, us, him, her, them) are used when you do something directly to someone or something else. In Arabic, these pronouns are suffixes that are attached to the verb

You add the object pronoun to the end of the verb EnglishArabic Singular me نـي ee/ you (masc.) ـكَ ka/ you (fem.) ـكِ ki/ him ـه hu/ her ـها ha/

Examples Means he teaches يُدرِّس When we add the object pronoun to the end of يدرٍّس + ـني يُدرِّسني يُدرِّس, it will become he teaches me

ـكَ /ka (you/Masculine) ـكِ /ki ( you/Feminine ) أحبكَ = ـكَ /+ أحب I love you = you I love/I like أحبكِ = ـكِ /+ أحب

أكره + ـكَ = أكرهُكَ أكره + ـكِ = أكرهُكِ I hate you= you(Fem)I hate

تحبه = ـه + تحب She loves him him She loves Him hu/ ـه

ـها ha/ Her تحبها = ـها + تحب She loves her her She loves

Complete the activity by connecting the verbs to the object pronouns Her ـها Him ـه You ـكَ Me ـني أحبكَ x I love أُحِب He hits يضرِب She takes تأْخُذ X You carry تحْمِل

Circle/Underline the words that contain the object pronoun (me) remember that is attached to a verb يُسمعني.. حـينَ يراقصُني كلماتٍ ليست كالكلمات يأخذني من تحـتِ ذراعي يزرعني في إحدى الغيمات والمطـرُ الأسـودُ في عيني يتساقـطُ زخاتٍ.. زخات يحملـني معـهُ.. يحملـني لمسـاءٍ ورديِ الشُـرفـات

Review Subject pronouns (I, you, we, he, she, we, they) take the place of a noun and function as the subject of a sentence. Object pronouns (me, you, us, him, her, them) are used when you do something directly to someone or something else and are attached at the end. It answers the question “to whom”.