Taquirist Beattie and Karee Hashim White Oak Taquirist Beattie and Karee Hashim
Common & Scientific Name White Oak Quercus alba
Poem Tree Tall, Long Boring, Dying, Living Branches, Leaves, Acorns, Twigs Rotting, molding, growing Thick, Fat Crystal
Interesting facts This tree provides cover for many birds and small mammals, White Oaks have male and female flowers People use White Oak wood for lumber, furniture, paneling, flooring, railroad ties, fencepost, mine timbers, caskets, barrels, shingles, baskets, and firewood. It is also planted in yards and parks as a shade tree official Illinois state tree The scaling is caused by a harmless fungus The gypsy moth feeds on white oak as well as other oaks, and has caused the death of many white oaks over the last few decades.
Best thing about our tree Our tree had so much shade We also loved not being in class