Venture Mission and Strategy Business environment Risk Analysis Key Asumptions and Financials Market Research plan
Create a new experience for visually impaired people and get profit from it.
We want to be pioneers in the game field of visually impaired players Key actions: We will be Innovative We will do a proper market research We will fulfill the customer needs Continous improvement based on customer feedback
Sponsors, government and companies support us with a contribution and the end users will pay for the game.
Market o Target group In Finland Visually impaired : 80,000 Blind :10,000 All over the world VI: 315,000,000 Blind: 45,000,000 Product/Service concept in one sentence o Game for visually impaired Competition o Direct: There's no game for blinds at this moment o Substitution: board games, portable games...
RISKS Market o People don’t want to pay for the game o Hard to get a sponsor and advertiser. Technology/Product o Lack of suitable devices o Technical abilities are limited Competence o Lack of experience in the game industry. ACTIONS Market o Market research Technology/Product o Look for ways to choose right platform Competence o Interview with worker in the game industry and blind people. ACEone
After four years.. 20 games 250,000 players Net Present Value € 478K
Negative cash flows 1h € 28K 2h € 14K 1h € 11K Total -€ 53K
RISKS Market o People don’t want to pay for the game o Hard to get a sponsor and advertiser. Technology/Product o Lack of suitable devices o Technical abilities are limited Competence o Lack of experience in the game industry. ACTIONS Market o Market research Technology/Product o Look for ways to choose right platform Competence o Interview with worker in the game industry and blind people. ACEone
Competitive Advantage of Service A new niche market with 0 or few competitors Product: An action game for visually impaired on the mobile phone Price: Place: 0€ Limited version Ovi Store 3.99€ Full version App store (Futur Plan) Promotion: FFVI + Arla institute Audio & voice AD by ing and forums Webpage ACEone
Group / profile# of persons Goal of contactHowReady by English speaking group (12-19) 2 discover their needs, skills, devices, get information about them oral interviewW 41 Finnish speaking gruop (6-19 years) 3 discover their needs, skills, devices, get information about them oral interviewW 41 English speaking group (20-60 years) 3 discover their needs, skills, devices, get information about them oral interviewW 41 Finnish speaking group (20-60 years) 4 discover their needs, skills, devices, get information about them oral interviewW 41 Korean&Dutch visually impaired group (6-60 years) 20 discover their needs, skills, devices, get information about them Survey (by ) W 41
Group / profile# of persons Goal of contactHowReady by Young VI people from FFVI 5 Get feedback for improvements on the game Test and discuss the game with the testing group W49 Young VI people from Arlaistituutti 8 Get feedback for improvements on the game Test and discuss the game with the testing group W49 Sighted people from Metropolia University 10 Get feedback for improvements on the game Test and discuss the game with the testing group W49