School of Education Research and Practice Mini-Grant Program Request for Proposal Session #2 November 5, 2014
Easy reading is damn hard writing. - Nathaniel Hawthorne
17 Letters of Intention 21 Faculty PIs 12 Single PIs 5 Multiple PIs
TIPS for Creating Your Proposal 1)Use the headings that are contained in the Request for Proposal 2)Create a single page “Cheat Sheet” – Readers Guide 3)Use Tables and Graphics to break-up the writing 4)Don’t try to impress with your academic jargon – Keep It Simple 5)Pay Attention to your Budget – make sure it supports the project and that every line item is tied to the goals, objectives, and/or activities or the proposal / project 6)DO NOT use Appendices for material you can’t fit into the Project Narrative – that will merely, upset the very smart reviewers
Cautions or Common Mistakes Grant Writers Make If you are over the page limit the grant proposal will NOT be read Use Times New Roman, 12 pt, 1.5” and NO Outside Covers – Violations will result in the proposal NOT being read. Be Careful with the construction of your budget – For example, although equipment is allowable make sure that it is highly relevant to your project; salary / summer pay should be budgeted to be reasonable within and across projects; and there should be sufficient line items to support the administration of the project in regards to supplies. The Evaluation Plan is often a weak area for many Grant Writers – make certain that there is a strong relationship between your efforts (Project Activities) and the effects (Project Expected Outcomes). What are your outcomes? and How will someone know you have achieved them?
Timelines Technical Assistance and Proposal Submission Schedule September 29, 2014 Request for Proposal is Published October 1st, 2014-(3:00 – 3:50 – Roscoe West 201 Initial Introduction of Proposal Development/ Pre-Application Meeting will be in the form of a webinar October 10, 2014 Applicants that intend to participate in this grant competition MUST submit a Letter of Intent. The letter should include the topic; type of project and Principal Investigators November 5, 2014 Final Proposal Development Technical Assistance Meeting November 21, 2014 A Hard Copy (and on Flash-Drive) of the Proposals MUST be submitted and stamped by 4:00 pm to the School of Education Office December 19, 2014 Research and Practice Mini-Grant Awards are Announced January 28, 2015Awardee Post-Competition Meeting
Reviewers Dr. Alan Amtzis Dr. Mark Woodford Jennifer Palmgren (Assistant Provost)