Linear Perspective Drawings 3 Point Perspective2 Point Perspective 1 Point Perspective
One-point perspective
Using the X,Y,Z axis to draw One Point Perspective
by Canaletto by G. Smith Examples Paintings with One Point Perspective
Two point perspective
Using the X,Y,Z axis to Plot Points in a Two Point Perspective Painting Z X Y
Two Point Perspective Paintings
Three point perspective
3rd Vanishing point below if want sense of looking from below 3rd Vanishing point above if want sense of looking from above
Learning to Draw Two Point Perspective
Step 1: Draw line lightly across paper about 3 inches down from top
Step 2: a small light dash on the 1st line - 1/2 inch in. These are the vanishing points.
Step 3:make the z-axis - does not need to be in the center. Z
Step 4:make the x-axis - from the bottom of z to the vanishing point Z x
Step 5: make the y-axis - from the bottom of z to the other vanishing point. Z x y
Step 6: make a light line from the top of the x-axis to the top of the z-axis Z x y
Step 7: make a light line from the top of the y-axis to the top of the z-axis Z x y
Step 8: Make two vertical lines - one on each side of the z-axis Z x y
Step 9: Darken the lines connecting to z-axis to the lines just drawn. Z x y
Step 10: Draw a line part way up from the y- axis. It needs to go above the horizon. Z x y
Step 11:Lightly Draw a line to the vanishing point and another vertical line. Z x y
Step 12: Darken the line just drawn, but only the part between Z x y
Step 13:Lightly Draw another line to the vanishing point and darken rest of the vertical line. Z x y
Step 14:Draw one vertical line. Then darken the connnecting line. Z x y
Step 15: Draw a light line from the corner of the building to the opposite horizon. Z x y
Step 16: Darken the newly drawn lines up until they hit the first building. Z x y
Step 17: erase the light lines between the x and y axis. Z x y
Step 18: try to make a building along the x-axis. 4 lines. Z x y
Step 19: darken lines between buildings. Z x y
Step 20: Erase light lines and put in line from the bottom corner of the building to the x vanishing point. Z x y
Step 21: Darken the lines you just made from the bottom of the building till it hits the next building Z x y
Step 22: choose where your sun goes and begin shading and adding more detail. Z x y
Put in the details….
Make a drawing from your own perspective
Math and Abstract Art