Only 4 Steps Researching in academic business journals
Does this ever happen to you? Eek! Do I really have to scan through thousands of hits?
Or how about this...? Only 7 results? And most of them don’t look useful. Is there nothing published on my topic?
Don’t worry! There are only 4 steps to an efficient article search... And if you have any search results at all (12,487 or just 7), then you are probably already at step 3!
1 Brainstorm keywords 2 Choose the right tool + = ? 3 Keyword search 4 Cycle your search Only 4 Steps
1 Brainstor m keywords What are you researching? Are there separate concepts? Can you think of synonyms? Are there broader, narrower, or related terms you could try?
1 Brainstor m keywords Need articles on: Employee motivation = Employee + motivation Concept s employee or worker or personnel or staff Motivate or motivation or motivating or engage or satisfy or enrich or encourage + Synonyms Job satisfaction or retention or productivity Relate d terms
If you search Google for websites, where do you search for books or journal articles that are available via your library? 2 Choose the right tool
If you choose a tool (database) that’s focused on... the wrong subject area, or too many subject areas, or the wrong type of publication (web site, book, article), then... you might... waste your time get frustrated give up start to hate researching! 2 Choose the right tool
Click on Journal articles & databases 2 Choose the right tool
2 Then click on Business Administration... and choose the top business journal database: Business Source Complete
+= ? 3 Keywor d search Throw the keywords you brainstormed into the tool you chose. (Not all at once!)
Try a few synonyms for each major concept And don’t limit your search (yet). += ? 3 Keywor d search
4 Cycle your search Avoid the frustration and information overload of repeated keyword searches. Use your first results to help focus your search. Subjects References Citing articles (“Times cited”) Authors Journal name New synonyms & concepts & perspectives
4 Cycle your search Huge, but no problem !
4 Cycle your search Focusing on subjects that are used in this database.
4 Cycle your search More keywords Subjects Newer related articles Older related articles Authors Journa l
1 Brainstorm keywords 2 Choose the right tool + = ? 3 Keyword search 4 Cycle your search Only 4 Steps
Final words of advice Learn once, use often! Ask for help. Have fun.