Year Six Summer Term (2) 2015 Final half term at St Peters…


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Presentation transcript:

Year Six Summer Term (2) 2015 Final half term at St Peters…

A busy final half term with many exciting experiences Last half term was so busy with Key Stage Two SATs and a wonderful School Journey. Everyone worked so hard and achieved so much. This term will be even busier as we have many exciting events to prepare for and enjoy. I hope the next few slides will provide you with an insight into the special times ahead…..

Important Dates Week One: Monday 1 st June Inset Day Tuesday 2 nd June Summer Term (2) commences Friday 5 th June Wayne Dixon visiting Year 6 Transition Talk Week Two: Thursday 12 th June Hopefully a visit to the Stanley Spencer Gallery Cookham Week Three : Week Four: Monday 22 nd June Visiting Theatre Company with workshop for Year 6 Wednesday 24 th June Special Year Six Service Day Week Five: Tuesday 30 th June Year Six Games at Burnham Grammar School Saturday 4 th July Summer Fayre Week Six: Tuesday 7th July Moving Up Day – Visiting Secondary Schools Wednesday 8 th July Key Stage 2 Sports Day Friday 10 th July Reports come home with Key Stage Two SAT results Week Seven: Thursday 16 th July Year Six Production – Aladdin Trouble Friday 17 th July Arts Award Moderation Week Eight: Monday 20 th July Yr6 Leavers Service Yr6 BBQ - Evening Tuesday 21 st July Break Up - Lunchtime

Reading Non – Fiction Reading In preparation for Secondary School the children will be completing research projects which will link to an Arts Hero or Heroine. We will look at time management, independence and self motivation. The children can draw upon all art areas – musicians, artists, sculptors, designers, dancers, creative writers and actors. Their hero or heroine will be someone from the arts who inspires them….. The children will be reading a wide range of non-fiction texts to support their projects and access them from a range of sources. We will be looking at skimming and scanning texts and reviewing resource materials.

Reading continued We will also be looking closely at reading and interpreting play scripts which will complement our own Year Six Play – Aladdin Trouble We will be exploring the words of Shakespeare through his play scripts and focussing on Macbeth

Writing Writing this term will support our Arts Award and we will cover the following writing genres: play scripts interview writing diary writing We will explore interview writing techniques which will be necessary for our Arts Award programme and look at open and closed questions. To complement our own End of Year production, we will focus heavily on Shakespeare’s play scripts, in particular Macbeth. We will explore the main characters and how events cause changes to their personalities and values. We are hoping to go to the Globe Theatre as part of our Shakespeare themed work. Diary writing will allow us to express our thoughts and feelings as we prepare and explore our End of Year play Aladdin Trouble. Our diary writing will begin from Day One when I introduce the play to the children, throughout the endless rehearsals and finally to the evening’s performance in front of parents! Please see next slide… My final writing assessment swill be made towards the end of June.

Further writing opportunities Another link to our End of Year Performance will be ‘Keeping a Diary’. From the initial hearing about Cinderella Rockerfella, through the auditions and rehearsals to the actual performance we will be questioning…. How did we feel? What happened? What would we like the play to be like? How can we improve our performances? Are we worried or anxious? What have we gained from this experience? We will keep a diary to enable us to reflect and evaluate our own special parts and roles.

Mathematics Our Maths teaching and learning for this term will be focusing upon problem solving and investigations which will link to the historical world of mathematics and Business Enterprise. We will be exploring the very interesting world of Mathematicians and their amazing number discoveries. We will look at Fibonacci’s sequences, Ferdinand de Lesseps and his fascinating Palindrome numbers and Pascal’s triangle to name but a few. I wish the children to also carry out Business Enterprise projects which are great fun as the children become creative companies organising the making and selling of products. They have to think outside of the box and become expert at all things financial!

Science One Unfortunately due to the SATs busy schedule last term we did not complete all the planned Science activities. So I have promised the class more science time this term and we will complete the Materials programme below: We will focus widely to include, properties and uses of materials including insulators and conductors. We will explore solids, liquids and gases and change the states of materials by heating and cooling and using the processes of evaporation and condensation. We will also be creating solutions and saturated solutions and then trying to separate them. There will be many questions to solve and practical investigations will be our main discovery route. We will think carefully about our fair testing approaches and the accuracy of our results. And we will look closely at our written conclusions to ensure they fully show our understanding. And also Science Two…

Science Two Forces and Magnetism. The children will explore the topics together and use magnetism to explain many of Forces learning skills and concepts. There will be many questions to solve and practical investigations will be our main discovery route. We will think carefully about our fair testing approaches and the accuracy of our results. And we will look closely at our written conclusions to ensure they fully show our understanding.

Computing We are bloggers Sharing experiences and opinions Blogging provides a worldwide audience for pupils’ work. Commenting on others’ work extends pupils’ sense of membership of a learning community. In this unit, pupils will create a media-rich blog, comment on blogs and respond to comments. Skills communication content creation searching Vocabulary audience blog blogroll copyright dashboard hyperlinks podcast E-Safety: The pupils will write content for their own or a shared blog, thinking carefully about what can be appropriately shared online. They will consider issues of copyright and digital footprint as well as what constitutes acceptable behaviour when commenting on others’ blog posts. The pupils will also think about the importance of creating high-quality online content.

Arts Music, Dance, Drama and Art Our Arts Award topic will really take off during this half term. It draws upon literacy and all aspects of the Arts and to have a nationally recognised qualification at the end of it will be a wonderful opportunity and achievement. We will begin our Year 6, End of Year performance Aladdin Trouble.. It is a fantastic play, full of laughter and great songs to sing along to. It is a modern, panto-style reworking of the classic tale.

RE/PHSCE Our RE project continues to focus on Life Journeys which for this final half term at Primary School will be very important for the children as they move closer to their next Learning Journey at Secondary School. Our RE will take us to different faiths and the journeys/pilgrimages people make as they grown in their faiths. Each week we will have important sessions for the children to explore Secondary Transition so that we can support them through this next stage in their young lives which can often be worrying. We will look at management tasks: packing their bags, following timetables and organising their work load to exploring their feelings through Circle Time sessions.

PE Please remember that Year Six have sport on a Monday and Thursday afternoon. There maybe extra PE lessons during the week so it is vital they have their correct PE kit in school from Monday to Friday. Summer Term PE focuses on Athletics. Year Six Games at Burnham Grammar School. PE