Teacher’s Page Learners and Environment Environment – Individually done – Class together in computer lab – Use headphones – Allows student to finish at own pace – Need access to internet and YouTube – Note: Should be completed independently but teacher should be present if help is needed. Learners – Grade level: 1 st -2 nd – From any social background – Can read Limited vocabulary Objectives When given the function of a tooth, the student will be able to independently identify the tooth by name with 90% accuracy. The student will be able to distinguish each tooth from one another when given the location with 100% accuracy. The student will be able to determine the number of permanent teeth humans have for each type when provided with the name of the tooth with 100% accuracy.
Teacher’s Page Motivation – Students have options – Get positive feedback for each question Information – All about human teeth – Provided on the first 3 slides of each section Orientation – Navigation buttons – Written instruction Application – Quiz question after each section – Positive feedback – Review and another chance for wrong answers Evaluation – Cumulative quiz at the end of presentation – Positive feedback – Review and another chance for wrong answers
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These are your incisors.
Humans have a total of 8 permanent incisors!
We use our incisors to cut food.
They are the teeth located in the front of the mouth.
Incisors are used for which of the following? Please click on the circle next to the word that you think correctly answers the question. Cutting Chewing Grinding Nothing
These are our canine teeth.
In total we have 4 permanent canine teeth
We use our canines to tear food.
Our canine teeth are the pointed teeth just next to our incisors.
How are our canine teeth shaped? Please click on the circle next to the word that you think correctly answers the question. Flat Square Pointed Round
These teeth are called our premolars.
As humans we have 8 permanent premolars
They are used to grind food into smaller pieces.
Our premolars are located just behind our canine teeth and before our molars.
How many permanent premolars do we have? Please click on the circle next to the number that you think correctly answers the question
These teeth are called our molars.
We have 8 permanent molars
We use our molars to finish chewing food enough for us to swallow.
Our molars are the short, wide teeth in the back of our mouth.
What do we use our molars for? Please click on the circle next to the word that you think correctly answer the question. Biting Nibbling Grinding Final chewing
These are our wisdom teeth.
Adults grow 4 wisdom teeth in their mid twenties
Our wisdom teeth are all the way in the back of our mouth. They don’t do much of anything, but are known to cause some pain.
Many people get their wisdom teeth removed to keep their mouth from getting too crowded.
When do our wisdom teeth usually come in? Please click on the circle next to the phrase that you think correctly answers the question. At 2 years old Mid 20’s Late 40’s In our teens
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2. What do we use our wisdom teeth for? Please click on the circle next to the word that you think correctly answers the question. Biting Grinding Nothing Chewing
3. Which teeth are used for tearing food? Please click on the circle next to the word that you think correctly answers the question. Incisors Premolars Canines Wisdom Teeth
4. Where are our incisors located? Please click on the circle next to the word that you think correctly answers the question. The very back of our mouth Between our wisdom teeth and molars Behind our canine teeth In the very front
5. How many permanent teeth do adults have? Please click on the circle next to the number that you think correctly answers the question
6. Which teeth do we chew with? Please click on the circle next to the word that you think correctly answers the question. Canine Molars Incisors Wisdom Teeth
7. How many wisdom teeth do we have? Please click on the circle next to the number that you think correctly answers the question
8. Which teeth are between our canines and molars? Please click on the circle next to the word that you think correctly answers the question. Premolars Wisdom Teeth None Incisors
9. How many teeth do we have as children? Please click on the circle next to the word that you think correctly answers the question
10. Which teeth are short and wide? Please click on the circle next to the word that you think correctly answers the question. Incisors Molars Wisdom Teeth Canines
That’s incorrect. Here is some review so you can try again!
References Infant with no teeth dental-health-month-when-do-children-get-teethhttp:// dental-health-month-when-do-children-get-teeth Child with teeth Child losing teeth Adult with permanent teeth Biting Strawberry Mouth for Counting Menu Pictures Cover Page smile Tearing into Cinnamon Roll serious-problem-that-beginning-runners-will-have-to-face.htmlhttp://angryjogger.com/overeating-after-running-and-binge-eating-at-night-is-a- serious-problem-that-beginning-runners-will-have-to-face.html Person Chewing Wisdom teeth pain Wisdom teeth removal Incisor in front Pointed canine Grinding food Side view premolar