Emotional and Behavioral Disorders Melissa Tilton EDUC533PA
Definition of Emotionally Disturbance This term means a condition exhibiting one or more of the following characteristics over a period of time and to a marked extent, which adversely affects individual performance:
Characteristics of Emotional Disturbance An inability to learn, which cannot be explained by intellectual, sensory or health factors. An inability to build or maintain satisfactory relationships with peers and teachers. Inappropriate types of behavior or feelings under normal circumstances. A general pervasive mood of unhappiness or depression
Characteristics Continued A tendency to develop physical symptoms or fears associated with personal or school problems. The term emotionally disturbed does include children who are schizophrenic. It does not include children who are socially maladjusted unless it is determined they are emotionally disturbed (IDEA, 2004)
Definition of Behavior Disorders Children with behavior problems that are so pervasive and persistent that they interfere with their academic and social development. We will use the term E/BD throughout this presentation.
Two Types of E/BD: Externalizing and Internalizing Behaviors Externalizing behaviors constitute an acting-out style that could be described as aggressive, impulsive, coercive, and noncompliant. Internalizing behaviors are typical of an inhibited style that could be described as withdrawn, lonely, depressed, and anxious
Challenges of Students with E/BD They tend to have a negative impact in a regular classroom setting. They tend to disrupt and distract other students. Educational outcomes are low. 75% of adults with E/BD had a low reading level. 97% had a low math level. They are out of the classroom frequently and lack consistent learning opportunities.
Language and Communication Problems of Students with E/BD 3 out of 4 students with E/BD have problems with language and communication. Many times the deficits go unnoticed because the main focus assessment and intervention is on the behavior of the student Improving language and communication can help prevent or diminish behavior problems. Deficiencies in spoken language are prevelant.
Types of Language Difficulties Most prevalent: Expressive-Receptive Language disorders (35.5%) Prevalent: Receptive-only disorders Least prevalent: Expressive-only disorders Pragmatic language is particularly difficult for students with E/BD
Improving literacy for Students with E/BD Students with language impairments who have reading disabilities are at risk for behavior disorders. Supplemental instruction that focuses on phonological awareness is beneficial for younger students. Corrective Reading Program (McGraw/Hill) was successful as an intervention for older students.
Language Intervention Problems and Strategies ProblemStrategies Student engages in inappropriate interaction in class (e.g. calls out answers, strays off topic). 1.Teach student appropriate ways for attention and participating in group discussions. 2.Assign students to peers to ask and or answer questions. 3. Ask students to self- monitor their actions in the classroom
Language Intervention Problems and Strategies ProblemStrategies Student interacts infrequently in class 1.Provide opportunities to respond to a peer or small group. 2.Use “class-wide voting” to involve all students
Language Intervention Problems and Strategies ProblemStrategies Student dominates interaction when working in groups 1. Assign a group member to keep track of who has already talked and “referee”-reminding students to wait their turn. 2.Give each group member tokens that must be “spent” to participate.
Language Intervention Problems and Strategies ProblemStrategies Student interacts infrequently in groups 1. Establish ground rules that require all members to participate, and ask group to self-evaluate the achievement of this goal. 2. Provide training to the student outside group time on pragmatic language skills needed to participate in groups. Table 10.2 pg. 219
Challenges for Teaching students with E/BD Emotional variability of students ; progress can occur at unexpected and varied rates due to the emotional state of the student. Fear of failure and trust issue; Students will refuse a task because of fear of failure. Establish consistent routines and build a relationship with the student Keeping students engaged; Use non- completive games and activities to keep students engaged.
References Introduction to Special Education : Making a Difference, by D.D. Smith, 2007 edition, p Hill, J. W., & Coufal, K. L. (2005). Emotional/behavioral disorders: A retrospective examination of social skills, linguistics, and student outcomes. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 27(1), 33–46. Teaching Students with Language and Communication Disabilities: by S. Jay Kruder, Fourth Edition, p Hummel, L. J., & Prizant, B. M. (1993). Clinicial forum: Language skills in the school-age population—A socioemotional perspective for understanding social difficulties of school-age children with language disorders. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 24, 216–224.