Objective: SWBAT identify the development and impact of writing in Ancient China. Calisthenics: (Write the QUESTION & the ANSWER in FULL sentences) List the 4 Ancient Chinese dynasties in order, from earliest to latest. Homework: Finish the reverse side of your notes for tomorrow!
Ask the Ancestors If you could ask your ancestors anything, what would you ask them? Would you ask them to help you solve a problem? Would you ask for advice?
Movie: The Time of the Ancestors What rivers did Ancient Chinese settle between? What did people believe about the Shang Kings? How was writing first used in Ancient China? ?guidAssetId=D04E8A18-5D41-4A70-82F1- 63E88A05B596&blnFromSearch=1&productco de=US
Calligraphy dragon
Evidence of Chinese Writing
Effect of Writing in Ancient China
Paper The Chinese were the first to invent paper in 105 BC.
Check for Understanding What was the form of writing developed in Ancient China? Where have archaeologists found the first evidence of Chinese writing? How did Ancient Chinese who spoke different languages communicate? What did the Ancient Chinese invent that has changed the way people around the world write?
Compare and Contrast Ancient ChinaMesopotamia What form of writing did they use? Draw what the writing looked like. What was the first writing written on? Why did they develop written language? What was the effect of the development of written language? Why was it important?
Brochure A You should come to Ancient China because life in Ancient China is always a party! We have tons of fun. Everyone here is really cool and we have the best sites to see!
Brochure B Royal priests and kings in Ancient China asked questions to the ancestors and gods on bones, called Oracle Bones.