InvertebratesGoal: Students will know the 8 invertebrate phyla
What is an invertebrate? An animal that does not have a backbone Plural of phylum The group below kingdom What is phyla?
Sponges (Porifera)
Asymmetrical Lives in water Filter their food out of water
Cnidarians (Cnidaria)
Radial symmetry Reproduce sexually and asexually Catch food using stinging cells Example: Jellyfish, Sea anemone
Flatworms (Platyhelminthes)
Bilateral symmetry Most are parasites Flat body Simplest organism with a brain Examples: Planarian, Tapeworm
Roundworms (Nematoda)
Bilateral symmetry Most are parasites round body One-way digestive system Example: Guinea worm
Segmented Worms (Annelida)
Bilateral symmetry round body divided into segments Closed circulatory system Ex: earthworm
Mollusks (Mollusca)
Bilateral symmetry Soft bodied open circulatory system Ex: squid, snail, octopus
Arthropods (Arthropoda)
Bilateral symmetry exoskeleton Segmented bodies Subgroups: Arachnids Insects Crustaceans Centipedes Millipedes
Echinoderms (Echinoderma)
Radial symmetry Endoskeleton Water vascular system Ex: sea star, sea urchin