UNSD-DFID Project on Improving National Development Indicators: Director’s Meeting 15 – 17 October 2014, New York, NY Matthias Reister, Senior Statistician, Office of the Director UNITED NATIONS STATISTICS DIVISION United Nations Statistics Division, June, 2014 Post-2015 Development Agenda - Update on activities on statistics (from UNSD perspective)
A NEW GLOBAL AGENDA WILL BE COMING… United Nations Statistics Division, June, 2014 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Post 2015 Development agenda
Preparing for the Post-2015 Agenda – The Challenge: Outcome of the Open Working Group: The Post-2015 Development Agenda will most likely lead to: 1)Extension of scope and volume: Need to cover economic, social and environmental dimensions (more than 160 targets are proposed) 2)Extension of detail: data gathered will need to be disaggregated by gender, geography, income, disability, and other categories, to make sure that no one and no group is left behind. United Nations Statistics Division, June, 2014
Preparing for the Post-2015 Agenda: - The Response …to be responded to by: 1)Making the post-2015 monitoring operational at global, regional and national levels 2)Affirming the role of official statistics 3)Development and adoption of new methodologies, data sources and methods (technologies) of data capture and integration 4)Mainstreaming the new requirements 5)Significant capacity building for sustainable statistics United Nations Statistics Division, June, 2014
Preparing for the Post-2015 Agenda: Looking at the challenge: Existing MDG monitoring gaps meet dramatically increased requirements… A “data revolution” is needed High Level Panel Report on Post-2015 United Nations Statistics Division, June, 2014
Preparing for the Post-2015 Agenda: Core ideas of the data revolution: 1.Bring new information technologies (e.g. mobile technology) and statistics together to improve development data 2.Disaggregate data (by gender, geography, income,..), to make sure that no group is left behind 3.Better data and statistics for better accountability and better decision making “A true data revolution would draw on existing and new sources of data to fully integrate statistics into decision making, promote open access to, and use of, data and ensure increased support for statistical systems.” United Nations Statistics Division, June, 2014
7 Role of the United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC): a)The UNSC is the apex entity of the global statistical system and the intergovernmental focal point for the elaboration and the review of the indicators used in the United Nations system as indicated by Resolution A/RES/57/270 B of the General Assembly in b)The UNSC has been providing guidance and leadership in monitoring progress towards the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals from the outset. c)It is expected that the UNSC and its subsidiary bodies will guide and lead the response to the statistical needs arising from the post 2015 development agenda. United Nations Statistics Division, June, 2014 INVOLVEMENT OF THE STATISTICAL COMMUNITY
8 Friends of the Chair Group on Broader Measures of Progress (FOC) Established by the United Nations Statistical Commission at its forty-fourth session (26 February to 1 March 2013) Consisting of 24 national statistical offices, and some organizations as observers Supports the intergovernmental processes on SDGs and post-2015 Chief statisticians informed delegates during a special OWG event on 17 December regarding “Monitoring and Measuring” Compendium of Statistical notes (finalized March 2014) Matching of indicators to targets (June 2014) Questionnaire on broader measures and indicator availability, October 2014 Work on an implementation plan for post-2015 monitoring (FOC report 2015) United Nations Statistics Division, June, 2014 INVOLVEMENT OF THE STATISTICAL COMMUNITY
9 - Survey on national practices on broader measures of progress (Part I) and indicator availability for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and associated targets (Part II) as been sent to all countries ( Question 1: Does your national statistical system produce data for at least one indicator that you believe could be used to measure the targets associated to this goal? (Please refer to question 2 for some examples of indicators that have been suggested under the various targets) = Question 2: Please indicate whether your National Official Statistical System has available or can access (and verify) data that can be used to measure any of the following indicators (note: you do not need to be presently calculating this indicator to respond yes). If you plan to produce the data, please explain in question 3 and respond “No” to this question. If unsure of your answer, please explain in question 3. Question 3: Please provide any other comments, in particular any necessary explanation of your responses to question 2. Please state if you plan to produce a specific indicator listed in Question 2 (provide the indicator number). Please provide the name and definition of any additional indicators that are available to you and that you believe can be used to measure the targets (please specify the target). United Nations Statistics Division, June, 2014 Update on activities
10 - Friends of the Chair report to the next statistical Commission -Note on the work on the indicator framework ( -SG’s Independent Expert Advisory Group for the data revolution for Sustainable development (undatarevolution.org) -Country assistance on post-2015 United Nations Statistics Division, June, 2014 Update on activities
11 Thank you United Nations Statistics Division, June, 2014