ARCL Uniforms
Current Team Uniforms
Format Provide details to ARCL in the below format to order new uniforms. ARCL will provide 10 dresses, if u need more then $30 per dress. Grid 1: Team Name to be printed: This will be printed on the tshirt Team Name: your team name Type : Men / women Style: type in the styl e name. Styles are listed in the following slides Primary color: (mandatory): front and back of tshirt and pants Secondary color (optional) : shoulder and side of shirt and sides of pants Tertiary (optional) : below the arm of shirt Grid 2 Qty: quantity Shirt and Pant size (US sizes)
Style : garden state-03 This style has two colors only
Style : garden state-02 This style has 3 colors.
Style: garden state-12 Curved Style
Style 2262
Style: 2265
Style: A8560
Style: A8562
Style: A8773
Style: A8784
Style: A8785
Style: A8786
Style: A8789
Style: Cs001