My mini Anthology Gabriela Mistra A Poet:by Denisha Burt Period9 English
Table of contents Pg1-Introduction to heaven Pg2-heaven Pg.3-I am not alone intro Pg.4-I am Not Alone Pg.5- Pg.6- Pg.7-
This poem is called heaven … Its called heaven because I talks about heaven and how it will be
Heaven A lonely place heaven will be With only sanctioned Christians there. I've tried but can not make them see That it's restrictive; they don't care. We must believe what they believe Or we can't open heaven's gate; And with this view, on earth they leave Another reason we can hate. It's sinful to divide us so; Of that there is no room for doubt. It leaves most with no place to go; And with gates closed, is God shut out? ela+Mistra+heaven+poem&source=bl&ots=rm2M6ejRC3&sig=I8adssF84ExR7Yncc uUtzK93NpI&hl=en&ei=6KYVSun5AZig8wTa1d3HAg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=r esult&resnum=6
This poem is called I am not alone In this poem she talks about how although its dry and lonely she is not alone
I Am Not Alone The night, it is deserted from the mountains to the sea. But I, the one who rocks you, I am not alone! The sky, it is deserted for the moon falls to the sea. But I, the one who holds you, I am not alone! The world, it is deserted. All flesh is sad you see. But I, the one who hugs you, I am not alone!
This is poem is called the sad mother This poem talks about how a mom feels and why she’s sad
The Sad Mother Sleep, sleep, my beloved, without worry, without fear, although my soul does not sleep, although I do not rest. Sleep, sleep, and in the night may your whispers be softer than a leaf of grass, or the silken fleece of lambs. May my flesh slumber in you, my worry, my trembling. In you, may my eyes close and my heart sleep.
This poem is called…. to see him again It is called this because she speaks about how she would do anything to see him again no matter what.
To see him again Never, never again? Not on nights filled with quivering stars, or during dawn's maiden brightness or afternoons of sacrifice? Or at the edge of a pale path that encircles the farmlands, or upon the rim of a trembling fountain, whitened by a shimmering moon? Or beneath the forest's luxuriant, raveled tresses where, calling his name, I was overtaken by the night? Not in the grotto that returns the echo of my cry? Oh no. To see him again -- it would not matter where -- in heaven's dead water or inside the boiling vortex, under serene moons or in bloodless fright! To be with him... every springtime and winter, united in one anguished knot around his bloody neck! see-him-again/
This upcoming poem is called Pine forest In this poem it talks about a pine forest and its qualities
Pine Forest Let us go now into the forest. Trees will pass by your face, and I will stop and offer you to them, but they cannot bend down. The night watches over its creatures, except for the pine trees that never change: the old wounded springs that spring blessed gum, eternal afternoons. If they could, the trees would lift you and carry you from valley to valley, and you would pass from arm to arm, a child running from father to father.
Biography Gabriela Mistral ( ), pseudonym for Lucila Goody y Alcayaga, was born in Vicuña, Chile. The daughter of a dilettante poet, she began to write poetry as a village schoolteacher after a passionate romance with a railway employee who committed suicide. She taught elementary and secondary school for many years until her poetry made her famous. She played an important role in the educational systems of Mexico and Chile, was active in cultural committees of the League of Nations, and was Chilean consul in Naples, Madrid, and Lisbon. She held honorary degrees from the Universities of Florence and Guatemala and was an honorary member of various cultural societies in Chile as well as in the United States, Spain, and Cuba. She taught Spanish literature in the United States at Columbia University, Middlebury College, Vassar College, and at the University of Puerto Rico. The love poems in memory of the dead, Sonetos de la muerte (1914), made her known throughout Latin America, but her first great collection of poems, Desolación [Despair], was not published until In 1924 appeared Ternura [Tenderness], a volume of poetry dominated by the theme of childhood; the same theme, linked with that of maternity, plays a significant role in Tala, poems published in Her complete poetry was published in 1958.
My thoughts…. To me poetry is a very beautiful thing Some stuff a lot more than other stuff. It's really hard to say whether I like "most" poetry or not. There's stuff I like a lot and some stuff less so, and some not much at all. I tend to read stuff that I know I will like because I like that poet. So it's all a matter of degrees and I haven't read nearly enough outside of my primary favorites. I don't recall ever writing much poetry outside of school. There's been some surveys here where we were requested to write a poem and I did. That's probably the only stuff I've done since I've written song lyrics, which are like poetry, but not really.
Glossary Sanc-tion-something that serves to support an action, condition, etc. des·erted- A barren or desolate area, eter·nal- : having infinite duration Luxuriant-: yielding abundantly Vortex-something that resembles a whirlpool anguished –: suffering Maternity-the quality or state of being a mother Dilettante-an admirer or lover of the arts Trembling-to shake involuntarily Requested-:to ask as a favor or privilege