Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Presents Drinking Water Program Heather Newman South-central Area Program Coordinator
Public Water Systems in Alaska Presented by Heather Newman Environmental Program Manager Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (907)
Regulations EPA – Code of Federal Register (CFR) go to National Primary Drinking Water Regulations link State –18 Alaska Administrative Code (AAC) 80 MOA – water sources serving one single family home within MOA
What is a Public Water System (PWS)? Federal: 15 service connections, or Serves at 25 or more people at least 60 days of the year State (Class C PWSs): Serves less than 25 people Serves 25 or more people less than 60 days a year
PWS Classifications Class A PWS’s (Community Water Systems [CWS] and Non-Transient Non-Community Water Systems [NTNCWS] -Community Water Systems -has at least 15 service connections used by year round residents, or - regularly serves at least 25 year round residents
PWS Classifications (cont) -Non-Transient Non-Community Water Systems -is not a CWS -regularly serves at least 25 of the same persons over 6 months per year
PWS Classifications (cont) Class B PWS’s (Transient Non-Community Water System [TNCWS]) -does not regularly serve at least 25 of the same persons over 6 months per year -serves at least 26 individuals each day for at least 60 days
What isn’t a PWS? Not Regulated: Water source serving one single family residence or duplex –single family residence regulated by Municipality of Anchorage (MOA)
Class C PWS’s Legislature removed funding for Class C’s Director of Environmental Health, DEC, directed staff to not doing any work with Class C’s Drinking Water Program staff currently not accepted registration forms
Engineering Plan Reviews Required for federally regulated PWS Ensure PWS meets minimum standards, outlined in state and federal regulations Approval from ADEC staff engineer required prior to construction
Engineering Plan Reviews Check List for Drinking Water Engineering Plans, Check List Guidance Document
Water Treatment Dependant on source and/or quality of water -sources include groundwater (wells), surface water (lakes, rivers, springs) and groundwater under the direct influence of surface water -contaminants naturally in water may require treatment to meet regulatory standards Treatment -disinfection-filtration -contaminant removal
Sampling Requirements Sampling is required to: -ensure PWS is meeting regulatory standards -protect public health -ensure water quality -document problems with the system -required by law
Sampling Requirements (cont) Based on system type (Class A, Class B, CWS, NTNCWS, TNCWS) Requirements summarized: _new.pdf
What if a PWS doesn’t comply with Engineering Plan Review and/or Sampling Requirements? Enforcement actions may be taken, including: - Compliance letters -Notices of Violations -Administrative Penalties (fines for non- compliance) -System may be referred to the EPA
State Office Structure Anchorage Office –Covers Anchorage, Pipeline, Bethel, Yukon Kuskokwim, Aleutian Chain, Bristol Bay, and Kodiak Contacts : Anchorage/Pipeline – Jamie Stazel Yukon Kuskokwim Delta – Doug Zellmer Yukon Kuskokwim Delta – Doug Zellmer Aleutian /Bristol Bay/Kodiak – David Edmunds Aleutian /Bristol Bay/Kodiak – David Edmunds
State Office Structure (cont) Kenai Office –Covers South-central Alaska, Kenai Peninsula Contact : David Litchfield ext. 224 Mat-Su Valley/Juneau Office –Covers Mat-Su Valley and Southeast Alaska Contact : Tee Little
State Office Structure (cont) Fairbanks Office –Covers Northern Alaska – except for the Pipeline systems Contacts : Class A Surface Water, NTNC, and Class B - Marci Irwin Class A Groundwater – Linda Grantham Class A Groundwater – Linda Grantham
Resources Staff Contact table is attached – is Contact local Environmental Program Specialist -questions about PWS -to review PWS file
Resources (cont) Drinking Water Watch -compliance information -Samples (and sample results) system has collected -violations systems has had -enforcement actions taken on system -current monitoring requirements
Resources (cont) Drinking Water Program website