My Work Plan Carla Dickof
I have reviewed the literature review done within our group I am currently reviewing further case studies as well as research into the individual material types
Wood floor system Typical Joists and Sheathing Stressed skin panels Crosslam The floor system will be governed by the gravity of the loads except potentially at the roof. Commercial spaces with long floor spans will likely require crosslaminated floors. although the connections are more complex.
We should also look at occupation vibrations of the floors. This will be a much larger issue than it would be for typical concrete floors because of the large decrease in mass
The connections for wood floors to the edge beams is important as these will be acting as the chords
Shear Wall Types standard shear wall Midply shear wall Crosslam In the interested of having a centered wall we are likely better off to use a midply of double sheathed shear wall. As the connection forces are the hardest to obtain, likely a midply will be our best option
For lower levels where connections become untenable for midply walls, we can consider the possibility of connections using solid crosslam 8 story wood building in australia using crosslam floors and structural walls
What connections can be used to deal with the overturning forces if we use wood shear walls Can we design the overturning from above floors to be transferred into the steel frame
Shear wall connections design and/or testing Shear Overturning Shear diaphragm connections design and/or testing Transfer for building irregularities Connection to chords