Kickstart your PhD - Careers Bruce Woodcock Careers and Employability Service Slides for this talk are available at
What skills do PhD researchers have?
What do PhDs do? Source: HESA DLHE Surveys)
Start planning Early! Build your networks Investigate opportunities inside and outside universities Use the CES
Destinations of Kent PhD Students Career Help for Postgraduates and Contract Researchers Click on the “What do postgrads do?” tab to see destinations of Kent PhDs. Destinations of Kent grads and postgraduates 1999-present)
Telephone: Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9 to 5 including vacations Drop-in times (no appointment needed): to and 2 to 4 pm Help given for up to 3 years after graduation Weekly careers s every Monday
TRANSFERABLE SKILLS TRAINING: EMPLOYMENT OUTSIDE ACADEMIA Careers and Employability Service Slides for this talk are available at
Need to network/make speculative applications Create a LinkedIn profile Research Gate Creative Jobhunting Useful Links Work Abroad Study Abroad Includes international rankings for universities International Student Careers
Sources of Further Information Careers Help for Postgraduates and Contract Researchers Postgraduate Career Planning Guide Your PhD… what next? (AGCAS) Your Masters… what next? (AGCAS) What do PhDs do? Beyond the PhD PhD Jobs Site CES Postgraduate Destination Survey platform for academics to share research papers RCUK Careers in Research. 75 research career case studies on the RCUK Careers in Research website, covering many disciplines including humanities, maths, biology, social sciences and physics. Highlight the opportunities research skills can give, not only in academia but also in business, industry and commerce.RCUK Careers in Research
Careers Employability Award on Moodle