Apulu (Apollo of Veii) Master Sculptor Vulca? Painted Terra Cotta (5’10” high) Etruscan ca. 510-500 BC
Reclining Couple on a Sarcophagus Terra Cotta (6’ 7” long) Etruscan ca. 520 BC
Capitoline She-Wolf Bronze (33 ½” high) Etruscan? ca. 500 BC or 800 CE
Aulus Metellus (The Orator) Bronze (5’ 11” high) Found near Perugia Roman Republic ca. 80 BC
Painting Styles in the “Ixion Room” Fresco in the House of the Vettii, Pompeii Rebuilt 62-79 CE
Augustus of Primaporta 1st century CE copy of bronze original, Marble (6’8” high) Early Empire ca. 20 BC (original)
The Flavian Amphitheater (Colosseum) Rome 70-80 CE http://www.history.com/topics/ancient-history/colosseum
The Pantheon Rome ca. 110-128 CE
Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aurelius Bronze (Originally gilded) (11’6”) ca. 176 CE
Caracalla Marble (14 ½”) Late Imperial Early 3rd century CE
Baths of Caracalla Rome ca. 211-217 CE
The Tetrarchs Prophyry (51”) Cathedral of St. Mark, Venice ca. 300 CE
MEDIUM OR TECHNIQUE? Additive Arch Barrel vault Bas relief Black-figure painting Bronze Cameo Carving Casting Ceramic Clay Concrete Contrapposto Faience Fresco Frieze Glass Gold High relief Incising In-the-round Limestone Lost-wax casting Low relief Marble Onyx Paint Plaster Porcelain Relief Repoussé Slip Stone Subtractive Tempera Terracotta Wood
STYLE OR PERIOD? Idealized Abstract Illusionistic Marble (Pompeii) Paleolithic Pictorial Scenes (Pompeii) Realistic Roman Verism Wet Drapery Whimsical Architecture and Small Vignettes (Pompeii) Abstract Archaic Cave painting Classical Corinthian Dynastic Etruscan The Fourth Pompeiian Style Hellenistic High Classical
LOCATION OR CIVILIZATION? Acropolis Aegean Citadel Crete Egypt Egyptian Etruria Etruscan France Gaul Greece Greek Minoan Necropolis Pompeian Pompeii Primaporta Roman Spain The Rubicon
ARCHITECTURAL TERMS Aqueduct Arcade Arch Atrium Barrel Vault Basilica Baths Bay Centering Cistern Clerestory Coffer Colonnade Entablature Extrados Forum Frigidarium Groin vault Impluvium Impost Insulae Intrados Jamb Keystone Pediment Peristyle Pier Pilaster Socles Spandrel Springing Stereobate Stylobate Tepidarium Velarium Voussoirs
GOVERNMENT Edict of Milan Flavian Julio-Claudian Oligarchy Patricians Pax Romana Plebeians Propaganda Senate Tetrarchy
ADDITIONAL TERMS Cuirass Damnatio Memoriae Milvian Bridge She-Wolf Tondo