4/20/2017 Chapter 1.1
Vocabulary point • line • coplanar lines • collinear points • plane • compass • straightedge • sketch • draw • construct • coplanar lines • skew lines • ray • endpoint of a ray • line segment • endpoints of a line segment • congruent line segments
Basic Geometric Figures Undefined terms: Point Line Plane
Point Location shown by dots, can be endpoints or corners X B y M Point Location shown by dots, can be endpoints or corners HOW TO WRITE: ONE Capital Printed letter such as A or X W X Z Y
Examples of Points
X Is B on MY? B Lines M y A All points arranged perfectly straight with no thickness, and has infinite length. HOW TO WRITE: two points on the line, with a double-headed arrow over the two letters. a single Lowercase Cursive letter. AM MX XA y t
Examples of Lines
Intersection U Symbol example: AB CD = X U D A X C B
Book P.4-5
Plane A plane is a flat surface that extends infinitely in all directions. HOW TO WRITE: ♥ named by three non-collinear points that lie on the plane Or ♥ It can be named by one Cursive Capital letter such as D. ABC S R B A D C
Examples of Planes
Book p 7
Collinear Coplanar Points on the same line Points on the same plane A B C D Points on the same line B A Coplanar C Points on the same plane
Ray part of a line that starts at a point and goes forever in one direction. HOW TO WRITE: Letter under endpoint must be the start of the ray. B BA A
Segment a part of a line that begins at one point and ends at another (the endpoints) HOW TO WRITE: The endpoints have a bar over them. C CD D A BA B
Book p.11-15 A B
Hatch Marks – short slash markings that show two or more segments are equal in length W X Y Z WX = YZ Congruent - segments that have the same measure (like equal) Urkle Stephon ~ Zack Cody
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