Definition: ‘WASTE’ = RUBBISH Left over - Unwanted Discarded - Take it away Bury it!
Definition: ‘WASTE’ = RESOURCE Left over - Wanted Process it Sell it!
The greatest resource Local Government has is the Waste their constituents give them for Free However the major asset is not in recycling of … MetalsPaperor CompostIncineration
The major asset is Manufacturing BOSS (Biotic Organic Soil Stimulants) And production of : Potable Water Heavy diesel oil Electricity Carbon credits
100% of Waste Resource used No Landfill! No Compost! No Incineration! No Toxic Emissions! No Odours! No Dust! No Noise! No Joke? How come?
Imagine the destructive force of a Tornado…. … trapped inside a 3 cubic meter vessel Vortex Technology
Imagine if that destructive force was doubled… …and the wind speed increased to 2000 Km/h What happens to waste tipped into an environment like that? Vortex Technology
Wood Products 35 seconds per tonne Builders Rubble 45 seconds per tonne Municipal Waste 90 seconds per tonne Vortex Technology
What output properties? Volume reduced by 75% Weight reduced by 30% Vortex Technology
Odour reduced to mild compost smell Emissions to atmosphere = Less than 0.1mg/cubic meter What output properties? Vortex Technology
What happens to the output? Plastics converted to Gas Or liquefaction to Diesel fuel = power generation sold to the Grid. Vortex Technology
What happens to the output? Residue from the Plastics conversion process All Organic wastes Produces Bio-char for all agricultural applications Bio-char absorbs CO² and currently sells at over $500 per Tonne and generates Carbon Credits Vortex Technology
What happens to the output? Flock from processing MSW waste blended with Biochar and 16 additives produces... BOSS Bio-Organic Soil Stimulant Vortex Technology
A Soil Stimulant – regenerating degraded soils BOSS – More than a Fertiliser Vortex Technology
Crop yields increase from year to year. BOSS – More than a Fertiliser Vortex Technology
Replacing Chemical Fertilisers BOSS – More than a Fertiliser Vortex Technology
Replacing Chemical Fertilisers BOSS – More than a Fertiliser Current sale price of UREA $450 / Tonne Chemical Blend is simply NPK Only Current sale price of BOSS $250 / Tonne BOSS = 16 Nutrien t s, 8 Minerals, Bio-Char and Root Stimulant That’s $ 62,000 per Day Vortex Technology
Why wouldn’t you want to be the BOSS of your Waste resource? Derek.W.Reffell phone