The Beekeeping Community BY: LOGAN FAIRFIELD
The Artifacts Frames Used to store honey and baby bees Honey Used to feed the hive and help last through winter Smoker Calms hives in order for beekeeper to open them up These artifacts all represent crucial components of the beekeeping process
Frames These are the walls, shelves, and furniture inside the beehive Bee larvae develop in the small holes in the frame These holes also give the bees a place to store honey which is then consumed and stored for the winter Frames give the hive much more surface area and which provides for greater efficiency and is helpful for staying warm in the winter
Honey One of the main purposes for beekeeping, a major product bought and sold throughout the world Honey is used as a main source of food for bees, used by people as a sweetener and tasty addition to most dishes A symbol for beekeeping Lasts forever
Smoker Used at beekeeper’s discretion Smokers calm the bees in order to reduce their aggravation, this allows beekeepers to open up hives with less risk of getting stung A smoker says a lot about a beekeepers experience and feelings about their beehives
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