Introductions and Conclusions Writing and Study skills course Student Learning Services
Introductions What types of introductions can you think of? Where do you find (hear, read, make) introductions? What are the purposes of introductions?
What do assignment introductions do? They ‘open up’ the topic in 1 or a few sentences And: 2. They indicate the plan for the body of the assignment. They tell the reader a little about the whole ‘story’.
Evaluating introductions Read the introductions on: Internet social networking Which part opens up the topic? Where does it indicate what will be in the body of the essay?
First introduction example… Internet social networking is a way for people to communicate worldwide. The sites offer people and organisations the opportunity to make contact, build personal relationships and do business. It is not surprising that they have become so popular. However, there are a number of risks: people must be careful about sharing personal information as it may be misused by others.
Second example… “Online social networks are websites that enable people to create a network of connections to other individuals,” (Russell, 2007, p. 56) on a personal or professional level. I will identify various types of social networking sites available and the positive and negative implications of using such sites.
2nd part of 2nd example edited… I will identify various types of social networking sites available and the positive and negative implications of using such sites. This essay identifies three types of social network sites and discusses the positive and negative implications of using such sites.
Third example… Internet social networking sites are increasing in popularity as a way of keeping in contact with friends and organisations all over the world. This essay will discuss the positive and negative aspects of internet social networking and consider why it has become so popular.
Write an introduction… Write one (or a few) sentence(s) that is / are an opening statement about internet social networks. It needs to mention the topic in some way. It could express something about the importance of the topic. It could say something about the popularity of ISN. Write 1-3 sentences that show what is in the body of your essay. It/they could name the main ideas It/they could show the structure of the essay body You could start with: This essay discusses….
What is a conclusion? The opinion you reach after considering information about something. You may have reached a conclusion about the heating in Wintec classrooms. You may have reached a conclusion about the career you’d like.
Assignment conclusions They summarise the main points made in the body, using other words You can express the opinion you have reached as a result of your research, thinking and writing They draw the essay to a satisfying close, often connecting to the introduction
Evaluating conclusions Read the 3 conclusions on: Internet social networking Discuss which you ‘prefer’ and why Comment on the strengths and weaknesses of each Suggest how the weaknesses might be overcome
First example… In conclusion, people quickly saw the potential of internet social networking and have readily made a place for it in their personal and working lives. Some of the risks and negative impacts particularly for young and naive users are of serious concern and families are advised to supervise their children’s use. This development in technology has dramatically influenced the way people interact and do business: it is providing a communication channel that many people enjoy.
Second example… Before doing this study my knowledge on ‘social networking’ was very limited, however having seen the advantages, if used with caution, these networks can have on our lives personally and professionally, I can appreciate its popularity. It seems internet social networks are only going to get bigger therefore you guessed it my next assignment is to create my own profile online and join in on this popular form of communication.
Second example edited… Before doing this study my knowledge of internet social networking was very limited. However, it has become clear that networking, if used with caution, can have a positive impact on people’s personal and professional lives. It is not surprising that this form of communication is so popular.
Third example… In conclusion, there are many advantages of internet social networking. Anyone can log on and be instantly connected to a group of people no matter what time of the day it is or where they are in the world. The disadvantages are that information entered onto the sites may be at risk of being misused by undesirables, which can cause various problems for a user. People and organisations can share information with other like-minded people via the web at their own convenience, hence making it a popular way of communicating.
3rd example edited… In conclusion, the many advantages of internet social networking seem to outweigh the disadvantages. Of most concern is the risk that personal information may be misused by some people, causing harm to others. Despite this, the ability of people and organisations to share information via the web at their own convenience, makes it a popular way of communicating.
Write a conclusion… Write a few sentences that give a concluding statement about internet social networks. Express the understanding you have arrived at through researching and writing about internet social networks.