Weblog defined & Using weblogs In schools In schools.


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Presentation transcript:

Weblog defined & Using weblogs In schools In schools

Weblogs defined & using weblogs in schools Weblog definition Weblog terminology Using weblogs in schools

Weblog definition A weblog is an easily created, easily updateable website that allows the author to publish instantly to the Internet from any Internet connection. A weblog is a type of website, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or ( A weblog is a live online journal that can be easily and instantly updated ( ). Weblog examples Basic Mathematics The daily kitten Menu Science Antiques

Weblog terminology Menu Blog: Short form for weblog. Weblog: An online dated diary listing periodic thoughts on a specific topic. Blogging: The act of entering postings on a blog. Blogger: A person who blogs. Blogroll: A list of links to other blogs. Event blog: A blog focusing on events. Celebriblog: A blog focusing on a celebrity. Edu-blog: A blog focusing on education. Blogosphere: The internet blogging community. Tags: Attaching keywords to entries posted. Moblogger: A person who post entries via a mobile phone. Moblogging: Posting entries via a mobile phone. Vlogging: Also called a video blogging. Vlogger: A person who blog videos. Audioblogging: Posting audio entries via a mobile phone. (

Using weblogs in schools Class portal: Used to communicate information about the class and to archive course materials (course curriculum, syllabus, class rules homework, presentations, rubrics and handouts. Example 1.Example 1 Online filing cabinet: Used by students to archive their work. E-portfolio: A weblog allows learners to build a collection of work developed across varied contexts over time ( Collaborative space: Weblogs enable learners to create virtual spaces where they can collaborate with others online. Example 1. Chat for weblogs.Example 1Chat for weblogs Knowledge management and articulation: Used by school committees to archive minutes of meetings and share relevant information. School website: Weblogs can be used as a building block for a school website. Example 1. Example 1 Menu

How to blog Step 1 Decide on a theme and type of blog. Step 2 Define your outcome and determine a strategy. Step 3 Allocate your resources. Step 4 Make decisions on content and other policies. StepStep 5 Select your blog platform or service. Step 6 Choose blog tools and add bells and whistles. Step 7 Write and publish your blog. Step 8 Publicize your blog. ( Return

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