Byzantine Empire & Orthodox Influence on Russia Outcome: Byzantium: The New Rome
SOL Standards Essential Questions Why was Constantinople established as the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire? What was the influence of Justinian’s codification of Roman law on the Byzantine Empire and later legal codes? What was Justinian’s influence on the expansion of the Byzantine Empire and its economy? What were the contributions of Byzantine art and architecture? How did Greek and Roman culture survive within the Byzantine Empire? What factors produced the division within the Christian Church? Why did the Byzantine Empire have so much influence on religion, culture, and trade in Russia and Eastern Europe?
Byzantium: The New Rome Setting the Stage Due to Germanic Invasions, the Western Roman Empire had collapsed For nearly 1,000 years after the collapse of the Western Empire, Byzantium in the east would continue to thrive and build upon its Roman foundations
Byzantium: The New Rome Why was Byzantium called The New Rome? Simple: it was Roman Byzantium had Roman emperors, architecture, culture, and Christianity Byzantine emperors ruled with absolute power- head of church as well as head of state. There were differences such as they spoke Greek instead of Latin
Byzantine Architecture
Byzantium: The New Rome Why was Byzantium wealthier? Byzantium was located in the middle of several trade routes that allowed it to prosper Weren’t prone to the Germanic attacks like the Western Empire
Byzantium: The New Rome Emperor Justinian Takes control of the Byzantium in 527 AD Set up the Justinian Code: uniform set of laws created from outdated Roman laws Contained 5,000 Roman laws still considered useful Broken up into 4 works (The Code, The Digest, The institutes, the Novellae) Built many churches including the Hagia Sophia, hailed as the most splendid church in Christian world Plagues and attacks cause the Byzantine Empire to fall after death of Justinian Had ABSOLUTE POWER = controlled both government and church He wanted a re-conquest of the Roman territories that were lost through Germanic invasions
Justinian Expands Trade There was a giant open-air market where shoppers could buy Tin from England Wine from France Cork from Spain Ivory and gold from Africa Trade routes via Black Sea and Baltic Sea
The Hagia Sophia
Byzantium: The New Rome A Christian Empire Christianity had spread since the height of the Roman Empire Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan that made Christianity legal The Church Divides in 1054-The Great Schism Roman Catholicism in the West Services conducted in Latin Centered in Rome The Pope has authority of all other bishops Priests cannot marry
Byzantium: The New Rome Eastern Orthodox Church in the East Services conducted in Greek or local languages The Patriarch and other bishop head the Church as a group Priests may be married Centered in Constantinople
Influence of Byzantium on Russia Adoption of Orthodox Christianity by Russia and much of Eastern Europe Use of Icons and Mosaics (pictures made of small tiles) in public and religious structures Adoption of Greek Alphabet for the Slavic Languages by St. Cyril (Cyrillic Alphabet)
Byzantium: The New Rome Result: The Roman Empire dwindled into oblivion allowing the Middle Ages to begin. However, in the east Byzantium held on for a few more centuries, which resulted in a split in Christianity and eventually would set up a bigger conflict: Christianity vs. Islam.
Reflection Which of the following does not reflect achievements of Emperor Justinian? A. Codification of laws B. Trade expansion C. Creation of Cyrillic alphabet D. Reuniting former Roman territories What language was used by the Byzantine Church? A. Latin B. Roman C. Greek D. Cyrillic The Byzantine Empire developed A. after the fall of Rome. B. after the fall of Greece. C. during the rise of Russia. D. during the rise of England. The Byzantine Empire was called the Second Rome because it preserved Roman art, literature, and Christianity among other things. What civilization called itself the Third Rome? A. England B. Russia C. The Vatican D. France All of the following are characteristics of the Western Church EXCEPT: A. It was centered in Constantinople. B. Latin was the dominant language. C. The Church had tremendous political power. D. Emperors accepted authority of the Pope.
Reflection Which of the following represents the best description for the word patriarch from 300 B.C. to 100 AD? A. The head of a Seljuk Mosque B. A general opposed to influence of Islam on Christianity C. The head of the Russian government D. The head of the Byzantine Church Christianity in western Europe can best be classified as A. Greek Orthodox. B. Russian Christendom. C. Roman Catholic. D. Byzantine Christian. Which was NOT a disagreement over Christianity between Eastern and Western Europe? A. Authority of Pope B. Language C. Practice of celibacy D. The Bible as the basis of faith The faith adopted by Prince Vladimir of Russia was A. Christianity. B. Islam. C. Judaism. D. Buddhism. What did Byzantine monks create to help newly converted Russians? A. Inexpensive Bibles B. The Cyrillic alphabet C. Mosques D. Hymnals