Energy Sources By Morgan Barrow
Fossil Fuels Fossil fuels are created from dead plants and animals along with heat and pressure. Since there's no oxygen this dead plant or animal turns into coal or crude oil. This process is called anaerobic decomposition. The main advantage for fossil fuels is how cheap they are, especially coal. Some problems for fossil fuels is how dirty they are and how we’re using them faster then their forming. Approximately 86% of the worlds energy consumption is fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are used almost everywhere. ontent&view=article&id=349&Itemid=283
Hydro-Electrical Hydro-Electrical power is created by Hydroelectric dams. These create power by having turbines rotate because of the water moving past them. The turbines are connected to a generator that converts it into power. The best thing about hydro-electric power is that its an unlimited source of energy. The biggest disadvantage is that building these dams can alter the water table in the area. Hydro-electricity is used in lots of places around the world, but Washington uses the most out of any state. chp-leverage-other-renewables
Tidal Energy Tidal energy is created when tides move between high tide and low tide. This is achieved by tunnels which bring the water through turbines (for more information about this refer back to Hydro-Electricity). This is the dam technique. The other way is where turbines are under water and are spun by the currents. (a lot like wind power). One of the greatest advantages for tidal power is that ocean currents and tides are predictable. This makes this energy reliable. One of the greatest disadvantages is that building these dams are more expensive then hydro-electric dams.
Wind Energy Wind energy is produced by wind turbines On a wind turbine there is a propeller with three blades, this propeller is connected to a rotor The wind turns the propeller which turns the rotor, this creates mechanical energy The mechanical energy is taken from the rotor to a magnetic rotor which is looped in copper wire, the rotor spins and turns the mechanical energy into electrical energy Two big advantages to wind power is that its very clean and its unlimited A big disadvantage to it is that wind currents are unreliable. Lots of the world is now investing heavily in wind power, mostly because of its advantages listed above In Canada the expected amount of capacity for wind power will reach approximately Mega Watts
Solar Cell A solar cell or a photovoltaic cell converts light into electricity This is achieved through the photovoltaic effect The biggest advantage to solar energy is that besides the equipment used its completely free The biggest disadvantage is that it can only collect energy when it’s a clear day and sunny out Solar energy is popular in more remote areas where its expensive to extend a power grid