Our purpose was to explore the natural environment by studying the bees and their relationship to tree pollination. We took several tree cores from old apple trees near and around the bee hives. The apple trees in previous years had stopped producing normal apples. Since the bees had arrived near the apple trees two years ago, the apples have taken better form and are useable for use as apple sauce and cider. We also identified many of the more common flowers surrounding the bee hives. We did this to see which flowers were more prominent because of bee pollination. Overall we found multiple positive effects the bees have had on their environment.
SOME FLOWERS WE FOUND ARE….. (Rubus Odoratus) Usually found in open woods Prefers moist soils More common in mountainous areas Often grows in moderately-dense thickets Attains a height of 4 to 5 feet Flowers appear in early summer and are a brilliant reddish-purple
Grows in large clusters and has a tubular shape Flowers grow off of a long-stalked vein, do not encircle the vine, and only grow along one side Grows between cm. (2-3 ft.) tall Found in open areas and tall grasses throughout the Northeastern US around May-August Aster Novae-Angliae (Vicia Cracca) Height: 2-6 feet Blooming period: August-October Found in low-lying areas, roadsides, mass plantings, margins of tree-lines Leaves, when crushed, release an aroma similar to turpentine
(Ranunculus Acris) (Hesperis Matron Alis) Hairy perennial, often reaching 3 feet in height, with stems much branched above Introduced from Europe Well established throughout most of North America Usually occur in meadows and pastures and are generally avoided by livestock Blooms mid-April to mid-May Gets a little gangly, putting out flowering stems that run along the ground a ways before shooting up Tolerates dry soil and neglect Some States put it on an invasive species list, but it can easily be controlled by sheering back the plant after blooming
The existing apple trees around the bee hives were approximately one hundred and twenty years old. Prior to the bees living in such close quarters with the trees, the trees produced poorly developed fruit. Since 2000, the bees have improved the apples trees’ growth and ability to produce better fruit. Darker heart wood.Lighter sap wood.
Aquatic Life and Water Chemistry at Lone Rock Point Water pH and conductivity were measured at 4 meter intervals out from a creek mouth entering Lake Champlain Collected benthic macroinvertebrates to assess water quality Inventory of near-lake botany
Water Chemistry: conductivity
Water Chemistry: pH
Onshore & Offshore pH The Dunham Dolomite and Iberville Shale are responsible for the basic pH values of the soil and water of Lone Rock Point. The calcite (CaCO 3 ) and the dolomite ((Ca,Mg)CO 3 ) minerals neutralize the hydrogen ions in surface, lake, and ground water. This raises their pH values to between 8.0 and 9.0.
GEOLOGY of Rock Point
The parade ground location for the collection of insects.
1906 postcard from Bailey Howe Library LANDSCAPE CHANGES OVER THE LAST 100 YEARS
MORE OF OUR ADVENTURES! The end of swimming at North Beach
Nate has no need for the love sauce!!