Welcome! Presented by: Scott Hawthornthwaite Director of Care Coordination Area Agency on Aging, Region One Phoenix, AZ
Area Agencies on Aging Regions in Arizona Region 7 serves the Navajo Nation, which is located in the northeastern corner of the state. Region 8 serves the Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc. Member tribes are located throughout the state. 7 8
Where We Are
Central Intake for ALL Agency Programs: 24-Hour Senior HELP LINE: (HELP) Care Coordination Respite Services for family caregivers Lifespan Respite Caregiver support groups & forums Kinship Care CarePro (Care Partners Reaching Out) Area Agency Caregiver Programs
Agency Model Adult Day Health Care Friends and Neighbors- a Consumer Directed Care Program Respite Options
1/3 of clients choose this model Reimbursement to family caregivers for respite services * Up to 8 hours a week * $9.00 per hour Flexibility in hours Greater control over the respite care services they receive Respite worker known by care recipient Rural areas Religious/Ethnic needs Not for everyone Friends and Neighbors Respite Program
Wickenburg R&R Group Respite Group & Individual Activities Socialization, entertainment & Current Events Hot Lunch & 2 snacks Personal Care & Exercise Health Monitoring Music, crafts & games Outdoor garden Pet therapy Flexible attendance (1 to 5 days a week) Social Model Respite Programs
15 Zones located throughout the Valley Caregiver Resource Zones Phoenix (2) Avondale (2) Glendale Surprise Sun City (2) Tolleson Goodyear Chandler (2) Mesa (2) Wickenburg
If there is just one Area Agency service you should know about and remember, it is… The 24-Hour Senior HELP LINE: (602) 264-HELP (4357) Call the 24-hour Senior HELP (602) 264-HELP (4357)