Potential Sites for Transit-Oriented Development in San Diego Katie Lemmon UP 206 A Midterm Project February 8, 2011
TOD Overview Successful transit-oriented development (TOD) needs: – high density of people – access to transit and amenities – inhabitants who will actually take transit or non- car modes BONUS: Less parking is needed with TOD because some resident don’t own cars. Less parking = lower development cost
The county has many transit options including: – Trolley – Bus rapid transit – Commuter rail – Regular bus service Transit Options in San Diego
Goal Identify areas with a high potential for successful TOD within ¼ mile of bus rapid transit and express bus stops and routes Bus rapid transit is one proposed solution to combat region-wide mobility issues in San Diego Photo credit: Denis Desmond, MTS
Methodology METHODS: – Identify express bus routes and stops in San Diego – Identify top 5 census tracts based on an index created from: Population density (weight of 1) Workers who commute using alternatives to cars (weight of 2) Workers with no vehicles (weight of 2) – Within identified census tracts, create ¼ buffer around express bus stops
Next Steps Geocode SANDAG’s proposed Mid-City Rapid line (a BRT route going through high priority tracts) Identify and analyze potential parcels within ¼ mile of existing or proposed BRT stops
Skills Aggregating attribute fields -- combined alternative means to work fields into one field Inset map -- locating City of San Diego Attribute sub-set selection – selected express bus routes and stops from dataset of all transit modes Created index – selected and weighted three variables to create index of high-potential tracts for TOD Buffering – ¼ mile radius around express bus stops Geoprocessing – intersect tool to show areas within census tracts that are ¼ mile from express bus stops
Sources SANDAG SanGIS UCLA MapShare ESRI-TIGER American Community Survey US Census
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