The Sustainability Cycle (update of…) Baseline Review Core document: Sustainability Report Target Setting Core document: Sustainability Targets Political Commitment Core document: Council Approval Implementation & Monitoring Core document: Sustainability Programme Evaluation and Reporting Core document: Evaluation Report Implementing the Aalborg Commitments
By now 439 signatories to the Aalborg Commitments Committed to carry out a well-structured sustainability process Aiming at a vision of cities and towns that are inclusive, prosperous, creative and sustainable, and that provide a good quality of life for all citizens and enable their participation in all aspects of urban life. This commitment is expressed in the declaration and specified in the Aalborg Commitments 1 and 2.
energising their decision-making processes through increased participatory democracy.(specified in AC 1) implementing effective management cycles, from formulation through implementation to evaluation (specified in AC 2) producing an integrated Aalborg Commitments baseline review as a starting point for a target-setting process and including a policy context, referring to existing political commitments and describe current challenges. entering into a local participatory target setting process that incorporates existing Local Agenda 21 or other local sustainability action planning and taking into consideration the results of the local baseline review. *
prioritising tasks, aiming to address the ten Commitments. setting individual local targets within 24 months following the date of our signature. making a regular Aalborg Commitments monitoring review of achievements available to citizens. regularly providing information on targets and progress to the European Sustainable Cities & Towns Campaign and, through this cooperation review progress and learn from each other every fifth year starting by 2010
The Sustainability Cycle (update of…) Baseline Review Core document: Sustainability Report Target Setting Core document: Sustainability Targets Political Commitment Core document: Council Approval Implementation & Monitoring Core document: Sustainability Programme Evaluation and Reporting Core document: Evaluation Report Implementing the Aalborg Commitments
The Challenges Coming from planning to effective implementation insufficient co-operation beyond administrative boundaries; insufficient horizontal co-operation; insufficient harmonised data, tools and practices; development occurs via short-term and isolated projects; insufficient public participation; insufficient vertical co-operation; need for institutional and personal capacity; separation of planning and implementation
The Challenges Any integrated management programme must conform to the basic elements of management Often sustainability or environmental management strategies and/or tools do not meet the requirements of the concept management! A generic management model The Deming Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle