“The European Theater” World War II “The European Theater”
I.) War Plans British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and FDR meet Dec. 22, 1941 to discuss war Outcome: - Germany and Italy bigger threat than Japan - Focus in “European Theater” first then “Pacific Theater”
II.) Battle of the Atlantic Britain and Soviet Union depend on supplies from sea Battle of the Atlantic begins Goal: 1. U-Boat attacks to prevent food and war materials from getting to Allies 2. Germans carry out U-Boat raids against American coast 3. Germans succeed in 1942 Allies turn to convoy system 1. airplane scouts w/radar Mid-1943 Battle of Atlantic turns in Allies favor
III.) The Eastern Front Germans begin fighting Soviet Union in June 1941 Winter of 1941 prevent invasion of Moscow & Leningrad C. The Battle of Stalingrad: 1. Aug. 1942 to Jan. 1943 2. Germans conquer 9/10 of city until winter strikes 3. Soviets mount offensive & defeat Germans 4. 1,100 Soviets killed Impact: Turning Point in Eastern Front Soviet army begin advance towards Germany
IV.) North African Front Allies launch “Operation Torch” Nov. 1942 1. Allied invasion of North Africa (107,000 troops) - Allied Commander: General Dwight D. Eisenhower - Axis Commander: General Erwin Rommel (the Desert Fox) B. German “Afrika Korps” surrender May 1943
V.) The Italian Campaign A. The Casablanca Conference: 1. FDR and Churchill meet Jan. 1943 2. Lay out a strategy for the period after the North African campaign July 1943 Allies invade Sicily 1. Mussolini stripped of power and arrested C. Sept. 1943 Italian govt. signs armistice Sept. 1943 Allies invade Italy near Salerno Germans stop Allied advance near Rome The Battle of Anzio (Jan. to June 1944) Fighting in Italy lasts till 1945
VI.) Allies Liberate Europe Operation Overload: code name given to the Allied invasion of France during WWII 1. Allied Commander: General Dwight D. Eisenhower 2. Destination: Normandy, France 3. Target: 5 beaches (Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno, Sword) 4. Allied Forces: Americans, British, Canadians 5. Date: June 6, 1944 (D-Day)
First Day: 1. paratroopers land behind enemy lines
Bombings begin by allied ships and planes Land-Sea invasion begins of beaches
E. Outcomes: 1. After 7 days of fighting Allies gain 80 mile strip of France 2. 200,000 Allied soldiers killed
VII.) The Allies in Europe July 1944 = Allies led by General Omar Bradley attack Germans by land and air at St. Lo, France August 1944 = General George Patton’s tank division (Third Army) reach the Seine River south of Paris August 1944 = American forces & Free French forces (Charles de Gaulle) liberate Paris, France September 1944 = General Bradley & General Montgomery lead Allied troops liberating France, Belgium, & Luxemburg October 1944 = Americans capture Aachen, Germany
December 1944 = Battle of the Bulge Germans want to split Allied lines; create 50 mile “bulge” takes month to halt Germans; now Germans are in full retreat
February 1945 = Yalta Conference Stalin, Churchill, & FDR meet in Crimea, Russia to discuss post-war Soviets agree to enter war vs. Japan for land
April 25, 1945 = Soviet Red Army enters Berlin, Germany April 30, 1945 = Hitler commits suicide in underground bunker May 8, 1945 = Germany surrenders!!
May 8, 1945