DaVinci status Juan Palacios LHCb Software Week March, 2009
17/3/09Juan Palacios - NIKHEF2 DaVinci v22r1 DV v22r1released on 3rd March, 2009 –Important bug-fixes –Tidy-up of configurables –CommonParticles in python –DecayTreeTuple re-structuring –Rich monitoring packages In the pipeline for DV v22r2 –Automatic PV re-fitting –Particle -> MCParticle association
17/3/09Juan Palacios - NIKHEF3 DV v22r1 bug fixes Particle -> “best” PV relations –In some cases, wrong relation was stored when creating particle in CombineParticles Interplay of specialised memory allocators for event model classes, on-demand nature of “best” PV getting –Crash in cloneTrees Stupid bug in cloning of Particle->PV relations tables –Thanks to Patrick Spradlin for finding and acturately reporting both TrgVertexFitter (Patrick K) –Fixed treatment of vertexing neutrals Phi-gamma, pi0
17/3/09Juan Palacios - NIKHEF4 Aside: Particle->PV Particle -> PV relating has been restructured –Calculating and storing of P->PV relation de-coupled –Possible to run P -> PV relating logic independent of what has been run before and without exporting the info Operations on non-saved particles should probably use this to be safe (the source of our previous problems) –Old-style “Smart” method still possible For particles that are going to be saved, hence used by other algorithms –Remember: the relators are now stand-alone, need no configuration, so the relating logic can even be run in GaudiPython on a DST, or on a MicroDST if all the PVs are there)
17/3/09Juan Palacios - NIKHEF5 CommonParticles All pythonified by Vanya & PK –Load python modules with standars particles names: import ComonParticles.StdLoosePions # etc. –StandardBasic and StandardIntermetiate loaded automatically by AnalysisConf –But what’s in there? Can print the summary information from the given file without Gaudi: % python $COMMONPARTICLESROOT/python/CommonParticles/StandardBasic.py –In GaudiPython: import CommonParticles.Utils as CPUtils Import CommonParticles.StandardIntermediate locations = CPUtils.particles() # get the map of locations print CPUtils.locationsDoD( locations ) # print them
17/3/09Juan Palacios - NIKHEF6 DecayTreeTuple DecayTreeTuple re-structuring (Patrick K) –DecayTreeTuple templated Allows making MCParticle trees similarly to Particle trees –EventTreeTuple supports making of ETC See this morning’s tutorial by Patrick
17/3/09Juan Palacios - NIKHEF7 In the pipeline for v22r2 PV-refitting / best PV merge –PVs will be re-fitted when the “best” PV of a Particle is asked for –The best re-fitted PV and the relation will be saved if the Particle is kept –The original PVs are accessible, as before –In CVS, controlled with ReFitPVs bool property of DVALgorithm Implemented in DVAlgorithm, which is in LHCb. Bug-fix didn’t make it in time. De-couple DVAlgorithm implementation using pimpl idiom
17/3/09Juan Palacios - NIKHEF8 In the pipeline for v22r2 Particle -> MCParticle association (Vava, Juan) –Simple tool interfaces Knows nothing about particle type Disagreement on meaning of “simple”. Maybe provide separate“expert” interface for association tuning? –Simple to use implementations Avoid tool configuration parameters Do not export internal details to client code Can this apply to “expert” interface too? –More details tomorrow! MicroDST configurable –Currently users need to hack example script –Ease making of MicroDST with different selections