4 TH AMERICAN CINEMA KatherineAustonAshleyTylerDestiny JeremiahBree DylanIzabelle DanielKristen EthanGarrettCaley Blake LexieDawson MackenzieRayven KaitChelseaMariePhylisity
END OF THE COLD WAR Common theme of rejuvenation and starting over from American society was reflected in films of the 80’s Theme of crossing boundaries and making ties with others also popular (Star Trek II esp.) Still many connections to espionage and dangers of other “bad” governments remain popular
NOSTALGIC RETURN TO THE PAST Attempt to recover the small-town, affluent American paradise Poverty, crime, homelessness, and the rise of divorce made people long for old time purity of the America of the past
THEME OF INNOCENCE Rejection of big city life in favor of suburbs and rural life Return to nature The high school and shopping mall (malls represent rampant consumerism of the 80’s)
BE ALL YOU CAN BE Late 80s revisited the US military Used to help clean the bad experience of Vietnam from the peoples minds Hotshot soldiers, especially pilots, became a common theme Incorporated all branches of the armed forces Helped restore the confidence of Americans in the armed forces
PARENTS AND BABIES Baby boomers of the 50s and 60s started have a boom of babies again in the 70s and 80s Parenting practices, conventional and unconventional became a common topic of movies Child stars become important actors in films
TECHNOLOGY New technology, especially video games and the internet, change the face of Hollywood Distinction between games and films become less distinct – many games become movies and movies become games Big action sequences become common to both games and film Fully digital movies become popular entertainment (Avatar)
FANTASY FILMS Entire worlds are constructed that very unlike our own (Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, etc) Cartoons allow audiences to explore worlds that exist, but from fantasy perspectives (Lion King, Monsters, Inc, etc.) Characters do uncanny things and engage the audience’s imagination
OUR FILMS 1980’s – Big (1988) – Penny Marshall 1990’s – The Shawshank Redemption (1994) – Frank Darabont 2000’s – Gladiator (2000) – Ridley Scott – Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) – James Gunn