Travel agent Maki Kokusho
Purpose of Research Project I want to find my future career. to plan my future career. To know what do I interested in. Travel is wonderful and make people happy.
Research Questions Content of the job. How to be travel agent.
Date Collection & Analysis Date collection Web site about travel agent Analysis There are many kinds of job content. Helps costomer Special skill is nothing
Research Findings Many kinds of job parts. Helps customers to find a suitable package holiday. The 3 point to be travel agent.
Individual Concern for Research Findings It is not written about special qualification specifically. Some skills help me absolutely. Ex. Communication skill, travel qualification and English skill. BUT
Relationship between English and Career End of yearTo do End of 2 yearsTOEIC score is 530 Travel abroad to read newspaper and know current news End of 3 yearsTOEIC score is 650 go to intern ship Study SPI End of 4 yearsMy TOEIC score is 780 Go to intern ship and study geography and SPI. travel service management(qualification)
Short Summary of Presentation Travel agent has a lot of job. Some skills help me in the future. Do my best every day from now. To make me growth and link to myself confidence.
List of sources The JTB Way Reference Travel agent job information, National Careers Service 1-4 Recruiting JTB website. How to be a travel agent: 13 steps