John Adams was the 2 nd president of the united states. ploitician much of his life. John JayJames Madison served as a signer of the treaty of Paris. Benjamin Franklin was the one of the first founding fathers
Blacksmith works with metal. Milliner works with fabric to make clothes. Wigmaker works with wigs.
Some foods are peanut soup, Shephers’s pie, and pumpkin gnocci
New England is most know for fishing, whaling, trapping, ship building, and logging. Middle Colonies is most know for framing, logging, ship building, textiles production, papermaking. Southern Colonies is most know for rice, indigo, tobacco, sugarcane, cotton.
Men wore shirts, hats, breaches and coats. Women wore dress caps and ruffles.
News paper, Factual books. Fifes and drums where to make music.
Bored games, puzzles, and cards.
Black smith works with metal, miller works with fabric to make colthes. Wigmaker works with wigs
Three types of tools are forge, anvil, and hammer
Webliography Founding Fathers of the United States." Wikipedia. October Wikipedia Foundation, Inc. 4 November, "Thirteen Colonies." Conservapedia. April Conservapedia. 4 November,