STOP BULLYING! A Web Quest for 5 th grade health Designed By: Jennifer Brown
Introduction Do you enjoy coming to school? Some students dread coming to school do to bullying. They are picked on, made fun of, or physically tortured by others. Bullying strongly effects all students in school, and hurts peoples feelings. Bullying can be done with both words, and actions. It is YOUR job to find ways we can all help to stop bullying, and discover ways in which your school can help to make it a safer place!
The Task You will create a chart along with a brochure, outlining ways to prevent school bullying, as well as effects, and types of bullying. As a class we will present to the school an assembly on anti- bullying: showing students what it feels like to be bullied, the effects it can have, and ways to prevent and stop bullying. The charts will then be posted throughout the school and all of the classrooms.
Process Step One: You will be split up into groups of 4. You will work together to identify what bullying means to you. Each group will visit a website and list reasons for: ▫H▫How to deal with being bullied ▫B▫Being called a bully ▫H▫How to take a stand against bullying
Process Step Two: You will all need to understand how hurtful bullying can be to complete this project. Experience what it is like to be bullied and note the types of words you hear students use EVERYDAY, while watching this video.
Process Step Three: After viewing the short video clip, and feeling what being bullied is like, as a group, write a short poem that demonstrates what the girl in the video may have felt. Each group will share their poem with the class. You will then all combine your poems into a book, that will be donated to the school library.
Process Step Four: In your groups, you will visit the kids against bullying against bullying You will then explore the site, use the tools provided to create your group poster. The poster should display: ▫Images of bullying ▫A catchy title ▫What Bullying is ▫Who bullies, and why ▫Who is bullied and why ▫What you can do to prevent it.
Process Step Five: You will then explore the following sites to aid your understanding and to create a brochure that accompanies your poster. The brochure should explore: ▫Cyber bullying ▫Prevention ▫Warning signs ▫Where to turn/ways to get help
Process Step Six: As a class, you will then all come together to examine all of the posters you have created. You will then, in your groups, create a name for your school assembly. Finally, you will use the posters to share and spread your knowledge on bullying and how the school can work as a community to create a safer learning environment for EVERYONE.
Process Step Seven: After the presentation to fellow students and faculty.. ▫Y▫You will post the posters around the school. ▫I▫I will copy the brochures, which will be handed out to all students and teachers, as well as sent home to parents, and community members.
Evaluation You will all be provided a rubric which clearly explains: ▫The expectations for your group poster. ▫The expectations for your accompanying brochure. ▫How well the message was conveyed to the school, and community. ▫The overall understanding of BULLYING and how we can all help to create a safer learning environment. ▫On the RUBRIC provided, you will be given the opportunity to grade yourselves, as well as receive a grade from me, which will all create a contributing FINAL GRADE for the unit.RUBRIC
Conclusion You have made a difference in your school. You have informed fellow classmates and teachers about bullying. You have learned what bullying is, and explored who is bullied, why, and the major effects it can have on a person. You have witnessed bullying in your school, as well as experienced what it is like to be bullied. As a class, you will all choose to take the Anti-Bullying pledge, to end bullying for yourself and your school. The pledge is a way to spread awareness, and to really conclude all of the efforts you have made to really make a difference in your school and community. You are choosing to STAND UP and MAKE A DIFFERENCE!STAND UP and MAKE A DIFFERENCE! (Please print, sign, and hand your pledge in to me.)
Teacher Page ullies/ ullies/ 6YA03hm4k&NR=1http:// 6YA03hm4k&NR=1 ool-bullying-teasing/ ool-bullying-teasing/ org/ org/ rl= content/uploads/image/antibullyinghttp:// rl= content/uploads/image/antibullying rl= content/uploads/2008/12/ b ully.jpg&imgrefurl= edu/ rl= content/uploads/2008/12/ b ully.jpg&imgrefurl= edu/ uments/anti- Bullying_Pledge_Poster.pdfhttp:// uments/anti- Bullying_Pledge_Poster.pdf Created By: Jennifer Brown STANDARDS ▫2.1.6.D.2 ▫2.1.2.E.2 ▫2.1.4.E.2 ▫2.2.8.A.1 ▫9.1.4.C.1 ▫9.1.8.C.2 ▫9.1.8.F.2 ▫6.3.4.C.1 ▫6.3.4.D.1