Patrick Walsh Catholic Schools Convention August 2012.
Catholic Schools Movie
Legal Landscape The Private Schools Conditional Integration Act Defines and protects Special Character. (Part one). “Education with a Special Character means education within the framework of a particular or general religious or philosophical belief, and associated with observances or traditions appropriate to that belief”. Crown investment in state integrated schools, staffing, operational costs, property.
Political landscape Parental choice. Strength in Diversity Competition/ track record of success. Cost benefits. Sensitivity to electorate.
Defining Catholic Education Legal protection exists to safeguard the point of difference. Academic excellence, high standards of behaviour and dress, good discipline are features of Catholic schools but don’t define them.
Catholic Character Accentuate, demonstrate, celebrate. Physical presence of Catholic identity; statues icons, chapels, classrooms, alters, posters Proud to be Catholic. Unapologetic physical expression of our Catholic identity.
Catholic Ritual Lived expressions of our Catholic Faith. Sacraments, mass, reconciliation Liturgies Prayer
Religious Education Manifestly reflect Catholic theology, social teaching. Compulsory and academically robust. Given status and resourced appropriately. Supported by other faculties.
Proprietors Representative Legal Guardians of Catholic Character Make searching and probing inquires into Professional development in Catholic Character Catholicity of the strategic and annual plan. Performance agreement of the principal. Tagged positions/ preference cards. NCEA results in religious education. Familiarity with the sacramental and prayer life of the school. Quality of Parish/ School relationships. Resourcing for religious education Compliance with the Catholic schools handbook and reporting to the Proprietor. Familiarity with the sexual health program in the school. School fees/ costs can’t be a barrier to Catholic Education
Employment of staff Pivotal to Catholic Character. Employer (principal) makes expectations manifestly clear. No opt out provision. Test ‘willing and able’. Non-compliance or actions that might undermine Catholic Character are employment issues supported by PSCI Act
Challenge of Authenticity Unchurched and lapsed Catholics. Diminishing religious, priests, practising Catholic teachers. Parental motivation for choosing Catholic Schools. Catechesis or Evangelisation. Catholic Character Review- Essential auditing mechanism.
Sustainability Sacramental life of the school. Role modelling of staff and lack of personal testimony. Succession of Catholic principals DRS’s and tagged positions. Sufficiency of religious education for teacher practitioners. Disconnect between Parishes and schools.
The Future Growing thirst and demand for values education within a religious tradition. Re orientation to our point of difference which the law protects. Ring fence, protect and nurture the essential features of Catholic Education. Develop a national plan to address issues of authenticity and sustainability.