PE and School Sport National and Local Update Chris Caws YST Regional Development Manager
Youth Sport Trust - Sport Changes Lives How we work Influence government & national strategy Support schools to improve achievement and life chances of young people in and through Physical Education, physical activity and school sport National partnership working to support effective implementation of PE & Sport Premium Develop interventions, training and products to enhance the quality of PE and school sport
What do we do…. Hub Schools Rugby World Cup 2015
Physical & mental wellbeing PE and school sport support whole school improvement Physical & mental wellbeing Culture & ethos Engagement & motivation Achievement & attainment
Whole school approaches Context Values Pedagogy Skills Leaders and role models
YST Lead schools Project Ability – Haygrove Project Ability is a bespoke project within the School Games designed to help drive and increase opportunities for young disabled people Leadership, Coaching & Volunteering - ? Drive and increase leadership, coaching & volunteering opportunities for ALL young people Health & Well Being - ? Using PE and Sport effectively to improve all aspects of health and wellbeing such as maintaining a healthy weight and develop emotional and mental wellbeing
YST Innovation Schools A culture of collaboration and professional dialogue Using the power of Physical Education and school sport to raise standards through: SEND Health & Wellbeing Sport Physical Education Leadership & employability Closing the gap Core subjects & the wider curriculum
Why become an innovation school? Part of an influential national network Work with key national stakeholders Influence policy & practice Benefit from the latest research High quality CPD across the school Most importantly, an opportunity to focus on your existing school priorities
Promoting Employability What we know.... Heading Text Promoting Employability How PE & sport can contribute to students’ employability skills
Learning to Grow CBI survey 2012 71% of employers believe schools should be prioritising employability 61% expect to increase the proportion of employees with higher level skills over the next 3-5 years Employers are far less confident of filling highly skilled jobs than low skilled jobs over the next 3-5 years
What skills are we talking about? Self-management Team working Business and customer awareness Problem solving Communication and literacy Application of numeracy Use of IT CBI, 2011 survey of employers “Firms need young people that are resilient, good communicators and understand how to work as part of a team. "We believe that successive governments have failed our young people by not properly equipping them for their future careers.“ John Longworth British Chambers of Commerce director general (2nd October 2014)
Outstanding Provision Outstanding leadership of PE ensures that pupils, and particular groups of pupils have excellent educational experiences in lessons and in extra-curricular sport, and these ensure that they are very well equipped for the next stage of their education, training or employment. PE makes an outstanding contribution to pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Ofsted supplementary guidance 2014 In order to be outstanding: ‘The school’s thoughtful and wide-ranging promotion of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and their physical wellbeing enables them to thrive in a supportive, highly cohesive learning community.’
What YST are developing...... Young people improve their life skills which better prepares them for the next stages of education, training and employment Young people understand how to review and improve their own life skills PE teachers are able to support young people to improve their life skills within PE Schools and teachers are more overt about how life skills are learned through PE and sport
YST Headteacher Ambassadors Part of a national network of advocates for the power of PE and sport Close to national policy & practice Critical friends to the YST and its development work 2014/15 will bring increased opportunities for professional development for HT Ambassadors & their staff and a widening of the group
Any questions?
Youth Sport Trust membership contact us or visit For specific enquiries: or 07825 065185