Participants Administration of justice system: –judges –public prosecutors –lawyers
Participants Police officers Border guards Firemen
Participants Medical doctors Diagnosticians Forensic chemists (analysts)
Participants Car engineers Employees of insurance companies
Participants Psychologists, pedagogues & psychiatrists Other forensic scientists
Teaching methods Lectures Workshops Classes participation (interactive exercises) Simulations Case work ‘Take your case’ ‘Brainstorm’
Forensic Science Education Centre (FSEC)
FSEC – Multimodal seminars Judges –Scientific evidence in legal proceedings –Forensic expertise in inheritance cases (7 seminars, 240 participants in total)
FSEC – Multimodal seminars Public prosecutors –Sudden death. Homicide, suicide or an unfortunate event? –Modern methods of human identification –Traces and their examination. Possibilities and limitations of forensic sciences –Crime scene and its significance for modern forensic sciences –Evidence collection at crime scene –Modern analytical methods used in forensic sciences. Selected issues (26 seminars, 1503 participants in total)
FSEC – Criminalistics Public prosecutors –Forensic examination of documents and electronic data carriers –Criminalistics in reconstruction of crime scene (11 seminars, 532 participants in total)
FSEC – Road accidents reconstruction Judges –Forensic reconstruction of road accidents (9 seminars, 456 participants in total) Public prosecutors –Legal and technical aspects of road accidents reconstruction (15 seminars, 735 participants in total)
FSEC – Road accidents reconstruction Police officers and insurance company employees –Fighting insurance crime (1 seminar, 65 participants)
FSEC – Forensic Toxicology Judges –Alcohol and agents acting similarly to alcohol. Analytical and legal problems (3 seminars, 129 participants in total) Public prosecutors –Introduction to general and forensic toxicology –Toxicological expert opinion in criminal trial –Alcohol and agents acting similarly to alcohol. Analytical and legal problems (5 seminars, 163 participants in total)
FSEC – Forensic Genetics Judges –Human identification by genetic examination –Genetic expert opinion. Evaluation of DNA evidence (3 seminars, 124 participants in total) Public prosecutors –Examination of biological traces by means of DNA techniques (5 seminars, 213 participants in total)
FSEC – Forensic Psychology Judges –Juvenile perpetrators of prohibited acts –Pathology of the family (15 seminars, 388 participants in total) Public prosecutors –Investigative psychology –Selected aspects of psychological expert opinion –Psychological expert opinion in criminal trials –Profiling of murder perpetrators. Theory & practice –Child as a victim of crime (21 seminars, 924 participants in total)
FSEC – Forensic Psychology Psychologists and pedagogues from Diagnostic- Consulting Family Centres –Psychological expert opinions in cases concerning family –Psychological expert opinions in cases concerning violence in family –Juvenile perpetrators of crimes. Reasons and signs of aggression –Incest crimes. The role and duties of the forensic psychologist –Violence and aggression. Conditions, mechanisms, and counteracting
FSEC – Forensic Psychology Psychologists and pedagogues from Diagnostic- Consulting Family Centres (cntd) –Assessment of environmental conditions in the preparation of psychological-pedagogical expert opinions –Projective techniques in forensic expert opinions –Cognitive questioning - theory and practice –Social misadaptation of juvenile perpetrators of crimes. Diagnosis and resocialisation advises –The use of Rorschach test in psychological expert opinion (22 seminars, 722 participants in total)
Courses, seminars and symposia organised in cooperation with other institutions
Medical Training Centre of Post- graduate Education, Warsaw 2 two-weeks courses (lectures, pracical classes) –Toxicological analysis of biological material –Forensic alcohology and drug addiction persons/course/year
Post-graduate study: “Road Accident Expert Opinion” (lectures, seminars, and diploma exams) Krakow University of Technology
Postgraduate studies: “The Psychology of Transport” (lectures) “Counselling and psychological help” (lectures) Jagiellonian University Institute of Applied Psychology
Postgraduate study „Molecular biology” (lectures) Jagiellonian University Faculty of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biotechnology
Postgraduate study for public prosecutors (starting in March 2008) Jagiellonian University Faculty of Law and Administration
Other trainings (selected) Lectures for judges of appellate courts Trainings for prosecutors and prosecutor trainees of the appellate prosecutor offices Trainings for police psychologists, police officers dealing with drug crimes, motorway police men; also in cooperation with Police Training Centre in Legionowo Lectures for psychologists – forensic experts Training for barristers on court mistakes Training for administration of justice employees from Eastern European countries
FORJUST Project Goals To have an inventory of the needs and expectations concerning the topics and range of the training courses in forensic sciences defined by the national training centres, the training participants and the forensic science institutes; To have a set of guidelines on which the education and professional training of judges, prosecutors, lawyers and police officers should be created; To have a working document on the qualifications of trainers including a first start on a register of internationally qualified trainers.