It is a small chapel near the church in Samborzec. Built in It is located on a hill below the church.
The Festival of the Blossoming Apple-Trees takes place annualy, on the second Sunday of May. The celebration begins with the holy mass in the local church. After that all the participants walk to the square near the community office where they can celebrate and enjoy the time in the atmosphere of the family picnic. Pupils from the local schools as well as invited pop bands perform on stage.
In Samborzec near the main road there are kindergarten and schools: Primary school- for children from 6 to 13 and Secondary school for children 13 – 16.
Loessal hills and ravives are an inherent part of the landscape of the area. The picturesque ravines are the result of the action of rain on the loessal rock. The most beautiful one, the St Queen Jadwiga ravine is in Sandomierz. But Samborzec area can also be proud of numerous lovely ravines.
This is Koprzywianka river which is meanders through the Samborzec commune.
Apple-trees orchards are predominant on the area of Samborzec commune. They are worth seeing in the time of blossoming, the end of April and the beggining of May.